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Published: Nov. 11th 2016.

It's been weeks, tomorrow is Halloween, and I really thought the whole Courtney falling-on-her-face "fight" would follow me all the way 'til Christmas break at least, but it was completely forgotten for the most part by now.

"Hmm, I don't know. Turn around." Brendon looks at me with his finger on his chin sitting back on my bed. I turn around with my arms up in the air. "When you told me sexy wizard, this is not what I had in mind."

I turn back around and face him, pulling my fake beard down so I can speak. "Oh come on! Im freaking Gandalf! The Grey! This is my favorite cosplay. I think I look hot!" I pose for the mirror.

"I can barley see your wrists!" He laughs making fun of me.

I put my beard back and stomp my staff hard on the floor. "Silence!" I command with a deep voice.

"If you want to go as Gandalf, go for it. But you're not going to get any guys like that."

"I don't need to get guys. I just need my elf, my Lady Galidriel." I wink and sway my hips to him.

"I can't. My ears aren't coming in until the first of November."

"Hmm. I don't know what to dress up as." I sit next to him and bring down my beard to my lap. I take off my pointed, overused hat and white wig.

I'm not one for last minute costumes since I tend to prepare for months prior the event, in this case Halloween, but I didn't even plan on coming to school this year. That was last minute.

"I've got an idea..." he trails off.

"Spill, gurl."

He now has his finger on his chin and  thinks further. "You can go as Janis Ian-Mean Girls, I mean you already look like what's her name? That actress. It'll be legit."

I immediately like his proposal. I jump up and go to the mirror, examining my face, imagining how some heavier make up would look like.

"That could work." I smile and bite my bottom lip. "What'll you go as?"

"I've got some old clothes I could put together. Next year we will be matching."

I cough loudly and hoarsely, "You mean the convention on January that you promised you'd go with me"

He rolls his eyes and smiles, "On January we will be matching."
The next morning, I set my early to work on the make-up.

Halloween is on Friday this year, I think there will also be a contest or some shit like that. For sure, students will wear sexy costumes. Somehow they'll get away with it.

"Darcy, what in the..." My mom gasps and covers her mouth as I casually walk into the kitchen.

"It's my costume." I laugh aloud, "don't worry." I kiss her forehead and take an apple. "It's just for."

"Brendon's picking you up today?" She calmly sips her homemade tea and reads a magazine. My dad works before I even wake up, so I dont see him in the morning, but is usually home before I'm from school.


There's a knock on the door, who I assume is Brendon, and I get it before my mom stands up.

"You sexy motherfucker." I half whisper as he turns around for me so I could have a better view. My mama don't like swearing.

He went for a very distinct and separate look which suits him amazingly. Dressed in dark brown or black, can't tell, and fine material, with a top hat. I try to reach up and stroke the fluffy and full red feather on it.

"You look ravishing, my love." He speaks with a French accent for some reason.

I say my goodbye to my mother and await Brendon while he double checks his make up on the rear view mirror.

"Please hurry up." I roll my eyes so hard they hurt. "Ow."

He gives himself a wink after a minute and starts the car and radio. His car is nothing fancy, pretty nice model. 2007 Chevrolet Impala. Decent good condition since he does not take care of it.

A few songs later, we're in the school parking lot. He jumps off and opens the door for me. He did that when he'd drive me EVERYWHERE back when I had my accident and hasn't stopped since.

"Merci" I thank him and we both walk to the building.

We both get stares and ooo's as we make our way though the conforming walls heavily plastered in black and orange home-made Halloween decorations. Bats, skulls, ghosts everywhere. It's doesn't look half bad. I see a Peter Pan and Slash by my locker flirting with one another. I clear my throat and Slash turns around revealing boobs.

"Ohh, female Slash. Nice." She takes the compliment and fist bumps me lightly, but I still get a hard impact from the rings wrapping her fingers.

"I loved you in Mean Girls."

"Ahhh, thank you very much." I tilt my head and smile with my mouth wide open.

"See you both in Clay's." And with that they leave and I open my locker, mentally remembering if I have any missing assignments or work before I decide I can have a leisured day.

"What's happening at Clay's? Are you going?" I ask Brendon who isn't paying attention to anything except his phone.

"Oh, its a party I got invited to. I'm DJ-ing for a while too."

I gasp in excitement, "A Halloween party! Can I go?" He cuts the attention to his phone off and looks at me.

"No, you can't go."

"Why not!"

"You don't like parties." He argues back.

"But its a HALLOWEEN party." I counter at him.

"Your parents are strict like crazy, there's no way you can go."

"Uh, but I can sneak out." I raise my eyebrows.

"HA, do you wanna die, you're parents are Mexican they'll find out. And in your condition y-"

"Don't pull that my condition nonsense bull, okay? I want to go." I put my foot down and cross my arms.

After a moment of silence he rolls his eyes and gives in. "Fine, but if something happens, I'm going taking you straight home." He warns in a stern manner and soon goes back to his phone.

I catch a glimpse of Mr. Collins walking into campus with Bellamy behind him. He isn't dressed up. Bummer.

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