ayyy lmao 2

41 2 0

3rd persons pov
gerd sassily sashayed to school. He wiz wearing a floral panic! At the disco dress, a fall out boy scarf, black leggggginz, nd pink crocs. s00oper 3mo.
Wen he got to peasant school, he saww da most bootiful boi evr. He had a swagalicious hurrcut, a smashin punkinz shirt, and purple lipstick (lolzors I was gonna put leggings but it suggested lipstick so why nahhhh). He was da most bootyfull thing I ever saw.
I slithered sensually up da steps 2 him nd stood up, FLIPIN mah fabulus fringe.
"How ya doinnnnnn" I sed.
"I'm gerd watz ur name boiiii"
"I'm frank but u can call me fork fronk or frnk
"WAT classzs do uuu has?1!!?1!!???"
"Lolol lets terade schedulz11!!!1!111!!"
"OH EM GEE (eheheh gee) WE HAV ALL DA SAME CLASSRZ!!!!!!


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