Chapter 9

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Ok so here another one, hope you'll enjoy it.-k.d.
~~~~~~~~Big time skip~~~~~~~~~~
               (5 months later)
Layla and James were the happiest at the moment.They liked each other dearly ...maybe even love.But at those days they spent together with each other was amazing they like hanging out.They shared now ,many memories.So one particular afternoon,James decided that he confess his love for her.

So he went and asked her"Layla ..would you like to be my lady". (don't know if that's what they would say ) Layla was stunned by his words.She didn't know what to think, but he started second guessing her ever say yes.Then she responded"um...James I don't know what to think this is a lot, I mean I like you but are you sure you want me to be your lady?"."yes I do,because I know that I ... love you..Layla"she was beyond shocked at this point."I love you too James ,and if you're sure you want me to be your lady then yes" she said excitedly.

He was beyond happy that she said yes.So he grabbed hold of her by her hips and spined her around,both laughing and just plain happy.He put her down and put his forehead with hers and looked her in the eyes and asked her with a whisper if he could kiss her .She was breathless,and muttered out a yes. So with permission,he went and slowly went forward towards her lips and and finally kissed her.

It was magical to say the least,they each part of it.They felt sparks fly,and butterfly's in there stomachs.It was slow at first but then it got a little to heated and also they had to breath so they separated from each other and looked each other in the eye and smiled ,a big smile.And the subset made things ten times better.
After that day their bond was stronger then ever.They were perfect for each other.But when James accidently told his parents that he and Layla were together,they have wanted to meet her.So he spoke to her about it and asked what he should do,she requested what ever he thought was right for that matter;it was his parents.He said if she wanted she'll meet them ,"ya sure I'll just tell my parents"she said.He even request if he should meet her parents,she just said one parent at a time;which he laughed at.

So it was settled,she was going to meet his parents the Saturday night for dinner.They of course knew she had to lie about something's ,which he hated having her do that but he had to wait for the time to tell them, so his parents wouldn't go crazy over him loveing her.

They couldn't wait ,they were both so happy ,but if they knew it wouldn't last long enough.

I decided to update ,anywho I hope you enjoyed reading it also have a nice day.-k.d.

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