chapter 12

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Ok so the story is coming to its end I guess it's getting there so ya ,hope you'll like it.-k.d.
~time jump to next Sunday~
It was Sunday and it was the day that James will meet her parents. Now it was James turn to be nervous they wouldn't like him,which was strange because he was the prince but he saw besides that.He wanted to impress them nothing less.

He later on in the afternoon came to her house and when he got there Layla was already waiting for him.They greeted each other and he reassured her that he wasn't nervous but she saw past that a told him it'll all be fine.They got inside and her parents were waiting for them with a genuine smile.They greeted him with a hug,which to his surprise but nothing less he hugged back.They then ate dinner it was small but home made something he didn't get much from his mother.They all got along forgetting that he was a royal but instead saw him as any other normal person.To say the least her parents were down to earth people so it was easy to get along with them.

They talked and laughed and it was all genuine.He loved them treating him like any other person,I guess that's why I fell in love with her he thought.It was all in good.Then at the end he announced that he wanted to ask a serious question to her parents.Which to be fair got them worried but it wasn't what they expected.He questioned "if I were to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage will you accept it?" he was worried towards what they were going to say.They then decides to say that if he makes their daughter happy then yes.So with that he asked Layla "do I make you happy?" with excitement and anticipation of what she was going to say.

She said yes very much.They all knew what was going to happen but when it did it all happened in slow motion.He pulled out the ring that has been sitting in his pocket for a while now and got on his knee and said"Layla I know this might be a bit to early but I love you to much and I can't see myself with anybody else,you're amazing, beautiful,graceful ,kind , and so many other things that make you this amazing women you are.... I'm glad you decided to sneak in the ballroom because if you hadn't I wouldn't have met the love of my life... so what I'm trying to say is that Layla please do me the honor of being able to call you my wife?" he said with tears in his eyes.Her herself having tears spilling from her eyes from how beautiful his speech was,she looked him in the eye and said "I'll do you that honor because yes I do want to marry you and for you to call me your wife"she said with glee.He was so happy that he hugged her and jumped up and twirled around with happy laughter.Her parents too with happy tears in their eyes,being happy for thier daughter.

He put the ring on her finger,it fit perfectly on her finger;made especially for her.She loved it,she just loved the fact that he actually proposed to her.She loved him very much and not for his money or for being prince no for being him self for the guy that makes bad jokes and is witty and overall amazing.Thats the guy she wants to marry.It was all happy and bliss for them and then when he sadly had to go because they were waiting for him it was all great.But if they knew that that will soon be cut short for they then will later realize that someone was spying on them and heard the whole thing and reported it all back to the king and queen.Which they later on will take matters in thier own hands.It was a long way to go.

Holy wow ok so that's a lot of things for one chapter.But ya so much drama coming up tho,also thxs to that loyal ass person who has read all of this chapters like love you lots you put up with my shitty writing I know I ain't the best writer so ya xxxx😘. Also sorry for not updating had things to do.So ya hopefully you enjoy it and have a nice day.-k.d.

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