Forgive and Forget ~4~

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 Harry's POV

I woke up on the hard floor of someone's kitchen I'm guessing. My head was pounding and everything from last night was a complete blur. I wreaked of booze. I slowly got up keeping mind my massive headache. As I got up I felt cold. I looked down to see that my pants were missing. I only had my boxers on. God. . . What happened last night? I looked around the house to see if I could find anyone to tell me what happened. I managed to find Zayn passed out on the couch in the living room, with about 5 other girls sitting on the floor passed out around him.

I walked up the stairs to see if anyone I knew was awake. All the doors seemed to be closed, but I decided I would continue down the whole hall to see if I could find anyone. Random people were laying in the hall sleeping. I stepped over this one guy, but he grabbed my ankle and almost made me fall. "Dude, what the- Oh hey Louis." I said in a whisper. Kind of.

"Hey, do you remember anything from last night?" He asked. His eyes were drowsy and his shirt was missing. I kneeled down to lean against the wall beside him.

"Nope, nothing. We should get going, but we have to wait for Zayn to get up." I said, while rubbing my face with my hand.

"Why don't you just wake him up?" He asked, he looked up at me with his bright blue eyes.

"Uh uh. No one wakes up Zayn Malik, unless they want a beating." I replied. Lou laughed slightly at what I had said. He was so cute. Wait stop it Harry. I feel like the past few days all I've been thinking about is how adorable he is, or cute, or hot, I need to stop. I'm not gay.

We just sat down together on the floor for a bit, in silence. Comfortable silence. "Alright, maybe I can just text him and let him know that I can pick him up or something, I wann go home now. I can't take this headache anymore." I said whispering.

"Yeah. Ok let's go. Wait. Where is my shirt? And where are your pants?" Lou asked. I shrugged.

"I'll look for my pants, you look for your shirt and we meet back at the front door." I said. Lou nodded and turned to go see if it was in any of the bedrooms.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew." I heard Lou say before I could get down the stairs. I walked over to him to see what was wrong. I turned to see what he had saw. Oh god. . . Liam, and Niall, and some random girl. This can't be good.

"Ok, just take a look from here to see if your shirt is in there, and if it is run in, and run out." I tried. He gave me a look. What? It's the best I could think of. He needed the shirt, he had just gone shopping last night.

"Fine. Now you go look for your pants." He whispered. I turned around back to the staircase and walked downstairs. I saw that Zayn was no longer on the couch, but the girls were still sitting there. I turned back to the kitchen to see if they were in there anywhere. There were red cups everywhere, ships, candy everything was thrown around. There were many girls and some guys sitting on the ground passed out. I saw a girl with my pants in her hands. Oh no. Hopefully nothing happened.

I tried not to wake her up but still get my pants back. She groaned but loosened her grip on them. I managed to get them after a few trys and I slipped them back on. I was walking out of the kitchen when I bumped into someone. "Oh hey sorry." I looked up to see who it was. Zayn.

"Oh hey man. Last night was awesome. But uh, there is some stuff you gotta know. I uh saw something that involves you. But I'll tell you later." He said. I gave him a confused look.

"Well me and Lou are going home now so you can come if you want, or you can catch a ride with someone here." I said.

"Alright. I'll just catch a ride with someone and pick my car up from your house later." He said. I nodded and walked past him. Lou was standing at the front door pulling his shirt over his head. I walked over to him.

"Hey. Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said. We opened the door and walked out of the house. It was a nice looking day today. Worst day ever to have a hangover.

I found my car eventually. I pressed the unlock button on my keys and we both hopped in. The music was cranked up loud from last night so when the car came to life, so did my headache. Lou turned the music down. "Ow. Now I have a f***ing migrane." He said. I groaned in agreement.

When I parked the car in my driveway, we both got out and headed towards our houses. "Text me." I said to Louis before he walked away.

"K, that is if I still have my phone by then. I'm gonna get in huge sh*t for this." He replied.

"Ok well then if you don't text me I know you're in trouble, and if you do then I know you're not." I said. I walked away from him after that and walked up to the porch of my house. I unlocked the front door and walked in.

"Harry! Is that you?" I heard my mum's voice say.

"Yeah. Please stop yelling I have a huge hangover." I said, as I walked into the t.v room.

"Harry. Were you being safe? Is everything ok? Do you remember anything?" She crushed me with questions.

"Yes everythings fine mum. Can you please just go get me an advil, or something. My head is aching." I said as I put my hand on my forehead.

"Right, right. Ok love." She said, as she stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. She came back with an advil and glass of water in her hands. I took them and downed the advil. I said a thanks to my mum and walked back up the stairs to my room. I flopped down on the bed.

"I should change." I said to myself. I stripped my clothes and walked into the bathroom across the hall. I turned on the tap of the shower and started washing my hair. *whistle whistle whistle*


I felt the cold tile floor under my feet as I stepped out of the shower. I grabbed a towel quickely, wrapped it around myself and walked out of the bathroom back into my room. When I closed the door of my room I dropped the towel and went looking for something to wear.

Louis POV

"Ok well then if you don't text me I know you're in trouble, and if you do then I know you're not." Harry said. He then turned to walk back to his house. I did the same. I took my keys out from my pocket and unlocked the door. When I got half way up the stairs I heard my mum, "Louis?"

"Yeah?" I said. I turned around to see my mum looking up at me from the bottom of the stairs.

"Where have you been love? We've been worried sick." She said. Her voice was quiet and filled with meaning. I was surprised she wasn't yelling her head off. It was nice though.

"I went to a party with Harry. Our neighbor." I answered.

"A party? Love, why didn't you just ask if you could go?" This is weird she was being waaaaay to nice about this.

"You would've said no. Ok mum I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Next time I'll let you know where I'm going. But uh could you do me a favour?" I asked.

"Alright you better though. Sure. But what is with this whole new look you have going on?" She asked.

"Ok, can you get me an advil for my hangover. It's a new look mum. I'm not that little boy anymore, I'm growing up." I said.

"Ok I'll go get you your advil. But this conversation isn't over." She said. She walked away. I walked up to my room and plopped down on my bed, only for a second. I then got off my bed and decided I would just see if Harry was there, to see if I could talk to him in person.

I looked through my window to see if he was in there. There he was, standing at his closet, wearing nothing. Oh god! Ew. I looked away fast. Then everything in my head from last night came back to me.

Harry's POV

I scanned through my closet for something to wear for the day. I decided today would just be a lazy day. I grabbed a pair of boxers, grey sweat pants, and a plain white t-shirt. I put them on and jumped onto my bed. I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Louis.

Me: Hey :)

2 minutes later. Louis: Hey.

Me: What's wrong?

Louis: Uh nothing. I just remembered last night.

Me: Ohhhh what happened? Tell me everything.

Louis: Uh I can't. I think Zayn can though. Ask him and text me, if you even want to talk about it afterwards.

Me: Ok Lou. You're scareing me but ok. I'll text you later.

Well that conversation didn't go as planned. I then started texting Zayn.

Me: Hey, what was that thing you were going to tell me earlier?

Zayn: You sure you wanna know?

Me: 100% positive. Louis told me to ask you what happened last night.

Zayn: Ok ok. Well um. . . You and Louis kinda snogged.

Oh my. . . god. So many thoughts were running through my head. Why? Did he. . . like it? Did anyone else see? Is this going to ruin our friendship?

Me: You're not kidding?

Zayn: No Harry, i wish I was.

Me: Oh god. Ok, uh I'll text you later.

Zayn: K ttyl.

I then went back to texting Lou.

Me: Hi.

Louis: So you know now.

Me: yeah. I don't get it Lou, what do we do?

Louis: Well we were both drunk. We didn't do intentionally.

Me: Yeah. I guess we just try to forget about it and move on.

Louis: Yep.

After that I couldnt find the courage to type a message back, and I closed the curtains on my window. I couldn't take this right now. I just decided I would talk to Liam and Niall. We managed to make a 3 way chat.

Me: Hey guys

Liam: Hey

Niall: Hey

Me: So whats up guys?

Niall: Nothing much. I'm about to go over to Liams to hang out and probably sleep over.

Liam: Yeaaah

Then I remembered about earlier this morning.

Me: Hey guys not to ruin you're fun or anything. But do you remember last night?

Liam: Yeah why? lol we didn't drink that much.

Me: Well uh. . .

Liam POV

Harry: Well uh. . . you guys kinda erm. . .

Niall: You saw didn't you.

Harry: Kind of. This morning Louis was looking for his shirt and he opened the door and yeah...

Me: You have to promise, not to tell a living soul.

Harry: I promise. Me and Lou kinda. . . snogged.

Niall: No way. Are you, if you don't mind me asking, gay?

Harry: No. I'm not even bi. It was a mistake. Are you guys, bi?

Me: I am.

Niall: Yeah I am too. Me and Liam are kinda, together.

Harry: Oh ok. I promise I won't tell anyone. Cross my heart and hope to die. Hey guys do you wanna hang out?

Me: Yeah! You could come over with Niall. Niall id sleeping over so you could too.

Harry: Ok. I'll pack some clothes and be over in a few?

Me: Yeah sure. :)

I then left the three way chat and put my phone away. I couldn't believe Harry knew now. And so did Louis! Not even my parents know. . .

I walked over to my desk and sat down at it. I opened up my laptop and went on facebook. i saw many posts from last nights party. I was tagged in many of them. I went on Harry's profile to see if he had any pictures from the party he was in.

Then I saw the picture. It was of them snogging. I couldn't believe it. I guess I have no right to be judging or anything, but Harry just never seemed like he would be the guy to do that. He always seemed like the guy that would punch a guy in the face if they tried to kiss him. It led me to wonder what really goes on inside his head.

As I was deep in thought the doorbell rung. "I got it mum!" I yelled from my room. I ran down the stairs to open the door to Niall, and Harry. "Hey boys." I said.

"Hey Liam." They said in sync. I smiled as they walked into my house. It was starting to get dark out. After all it was winter. It was about 5:00 pm now. Made sense. I led the boys to my room so we could hang out and do whatever.

I plopped down on my bed, Harry sat cross legged on the floor and Niall joined me on the bed. "So what do you want to do lads?" I asked.

"Um. . . what about like. . . a dance party?" Harry suggested.

"Yeah sure. Haha." Niall said. I walked towards my laptop and went on YouTube.

"You guys like singing?" I asked as I faced my laptop.

"Yeah." Harry said.

"Yeah, I guess. I play the guitar so." Niall said. I put on Tik Tok by Ke$ha. Immediantly I started singing the first verses of the song. Soon Harry and Niall joined.

Through out the night that's what we ended up doing the whole time. We took videos and decided to post a couple of them. But when we played back the videos and listened to them a couple times we realized, we aren't that bad as a group together.

After we posted the videos we got many comments and likes. All the comments were compliments. They all said 'Wow you guys have nice voices, you should try out for the X-Factor or something.' or 'Seriously guys go on the X-Factor, you'd win for sure.' It was nice to see.

"Wow guys, we're getting a lot more feedback then I thought we would." I said. I leaned on the back of my computer and stretched my arms. Harry looked up at me from the ground. He was just playing around with the rug I had on my hardwood floor.

"I wanna see." Harry said. He got up from the floor and walked over to my laptop. "Oh. . . wow. If people really think we're this good, maybe we should get Zayn and Lou too. They both like singing. I heard Lou sing in Choir and he sounds amazing." He said. I smiled. It was the perfect idea.

"Ok. How bout we all get together tomorrow, and we can see how it works." Niall piped in.

"Yeah. Wow mates I'm really excited for this now." I said.

Louis POV

After harry didn't text me back I knew he didn't want to talk to me right now. Honestly this is the worst mistake I've ever made. I didn't think this through. I really hope he doesn't hate me. I guess I just need to give Harry time. I mean I need time too. I hope I'm not gay. Not like it's a bad thing or anything, but I just can't afford to be, with my reputation.

I've thought through my feelings over and over. I think I might like Harry. But nothing more than a bromance. For now, I don't think it will be anymore than that. I can't tell harry though. Not without some signs that he feels the same. God this is so confusing. Why? Just why?

The rest of the evening I spent doing just about nothing. I saw that Harry's convertible was gone so I figured he had gone out somewhere, possibly to Zayn's. I scrolled through Facebook, watched videos, listened to music, and pretty well just moped around the house. My mum tried talking to me a couple of times to ask what was wrong, but I never answered.

I decided I could try texting Zayn, maybe see what he was doing.

Me: Hey Zayn

Zayn: Hey sup?

Me: Nothing, watcha doing right now?

Zayn: Nothing, just chilling around the house.

Me: Oh haha me too. Wanna hang out?

Zayn: Ha sure. Be at your house in a few. Sleepover?

Me: Sure. K see ya then.

I turned off my phone and threw it onto my bed. I decided to take a wuick look to what was going on on Facbook. I saw that Liam had posted a video recently. It seemed that Liam, Niall, and Harry were hanging out tonight.

I clicked on the video and started watching it. It was all three of them singing together. They were laughing and just having fun. I was kind of jelous. Why didn't they invite me? Or Zayn? Right cause Harry isn't really comfortable around you right now.

I shrugged off the thought and watched all the videos that Liam posted of them singing. They sounded really good the three of them. I thought about it. I love singing, not sure about Zayn. Well we're going to see tonight. Ding Dong!

I ran downstairs to see who it was, even though I pretty much knew it was Zayn. I opened the door. Zayn was standing there. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him in the door. I brought him up the stairs to my room. I closed the door and sat down in front of my computer.

"Did you see the videos Liam posted?" I asked.

"Yep, they sound quiet good, yeah?" Zayn replied. I mumbled 'yeah'.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Lou, can I tell you something personal?" Zayn said, he looked up at me and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Uh sure. What's up Zayn?" I said.

"Um. . . God this is hard to do Lou you have no idea. Uh I think I'm gay." He said. I took my gaze completely off the computer and looked straight at Zayn with wide eyes and a wide open mouth.

"Uh are you sure Zayn. May I ask who for?" I asked trying to get a little more out of him.

"Liam." He answered.

Harry POV

We laughed and laughed about the most random things. By the time it reached 12:00 am, Niall was out and Liam was drifting to sleep. I sat on the edge of Liams desk and stared out the window. The view was nice, it was of the woods.I sat there for a while before Liam finally fell asleep cuddled up with Niall. Usually I would have been grossed out by that, but they were too cute together.

I got off of the desk and layed down on the blow up matress Liam layed out for me. I covered myself with the blankets. I layed there in bed, trying to fall asleep to forget about the days earlier events, but I couldn't.

All I could think about was Louis. If he was ok. If he was mad. If he hated me. What to do next. Should I appologize? Should we forget about it. Course not. How can you forget about something like that. You can't. Should be a man and tell Louis how I really feel. But I don't even know how I feel. Think about you're feelings, then talk to Louis.

When I found my conclusion I switched off my brain and went to sleep.


I woke up the next morning. Rain was pounding down on the roof of the house. Liam and Niall were still snuggled up in the bed. The sun was trying to poke through the clouds but it couldn't. It was a gloomy day in Doncaster. I figured the boys wouldn't wake up for a while so I put on a song I really loved. Skinny Love-Birdy. It fit my mood.

I sat down in Liams computer chair, and stared out the window like I did last night. I felt relaxed, tired, sad, and confused. As the low beating of my music went through my earphones I thought about Louis, again. How did I feel? Did I feel a loveing towards him? Did I like him as a friend? Or one last choice, was it just a bromance? A phase? Maybe. I just still wasn't sure. But oh hell, I wished I was.

I heard a groaning coming from the bed. "Oh hey Harry." I heard Liam say.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning. What's wrong mate?" He asked. I stared back out the window.

"I'm confused Liam. What do I do. Do I leave it? Do I try to forget? What do I do?" I asked.

"I don't know what to say Harry. Follow you're heart." Liam answered.

"Yeah." I blankly said. I thought about it, what did my heart want? My heart was saying, it was an accident. It was saying you were drunk, but don't forget this. "You know what thank you Liam, that actually helped a lot." I said.

"You're welcome Harry. C'mon bring it in." He said. He got up from the bed in just his boxers. Yeah it was a little awkward but I needed this right now.

"Hey Harry, no stealing my boyfriend." Niall said. I smiled.

"It's ok Niall, he's all yours. Uh Liam if you don't mind I'm going to get going." I said. I had some business I needed to finish up.

"Yeah that's alright, go ahead. Keep following you're heart." Liam said. I smiled grabbed my things and waved goodbye, and headed out.

When I arrived in front of my house. I walked out of the car and went towards my house to get to my room. I walked in to see the house pretty well completely dead. Gemma must have still been asleep, and mum must have gotten called into work because she wasn't here right now. I went up the stairs to my room and lied down on my bed. I took my phone out of my pocket and started writing a text to Louis.

Me: Hey Louis. Sorry about yesterday. We need to talk.

I didn't get a reply so I figured he was still asleep. I looked out of my window remembering I could see Louis through it. I opened up the curtain and saw that Louis was lying in his bed. But wait someone was with him. Zayn. He was on the floor though, in a sleeping bag. Good to know they'll be getting along.

I decided to go downstairs to get myself a glass of milk. I walked down the stairs trying not to make a sound to wake up Gemma. I opened the fridge and the light came on. I grabbed the milk carton and opened the cupboard to get a cup. I poured he white liquid into my cup so it was 3/4 full.

I walked back upstairs, I looked out my window to see if Louis was there still. Yes, he was. Although he wasn't sleeping. He looked as if he'd been crying. But why? He looked out his window too. We shared a glance for a short second. He then walked to the window and opened it up. I did the same figuring he wanted to talk. "Hi Harry." He started.

"Hi Lou." I said.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"Is Zayn still there?" I asked.

"Yeah, but he has something he needs to tell you too so, it doesn't matter." He said. I shurgged.

"Ok well, I just wanted to talk about uh the party." I said. I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.

"Oh, ok." He said.

"Well, um basically, I think it was just an accident. We were drunk, we didn't know what we were doing. But I don't think it's something to be forgotten. It obviously has to mean something. I'm just not sure what to make of it yet." I explained myself.

"Ok. Yeah you're right. Now uh Zayn here has something to say." Louis said. I nodded.

"Hey Harry. Uh Lou could you leave us alone for a bit?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah course mate." He said. He then turned around and walked out of the room.

"Well uh hi, so what is it you need to tell me?" I asked.

"Well, Harry I think I might be um, oh god. I think i might be gay." He said. I was totally shocked. I wasn't expecting that at all. Not from Zayn. He was the big tough guy at the school. I never thought. Wow.

"I-I I don't know what to say Zayn. I mean great, good for you. But why do you think this?" I asked.

"Liam." He said. I nodded.

"Oh well. . . ok. Can you get Lou in here? I need to talk to him." I said. Zayn nodded and walked out of the room, while telling Louis to get back in the room.

"Yeah Harry?" He asked.

"Well I now know what Zayn's sexuality is, but uh we have a bit of a situation with that. Liam is already dating someone." I said.

"Who?" Louis asked.

"Niall." I answered. Louis looked at me wide eyed.

"Well then we do have a bit of a problem." Louis said.

Niall POV

When i woke up I saw Harry hugging Liam, but I knew it wasn't anything between them, Harry's straight. "Hey Harry, no stealing my boyfriend." I said. I saw Harry's eyes open and look at me.

""It's ok Niall, he's all yours. Uh Liam if you don't mind I'm going to get going." Harry said. I wondered what was going on but I knew I could just ask Liam after.

"Yeah that's alright, go ahead. Keep following you're heart." Liam said. Was I missing something here? Harry grabbed his things and left the room with a wave. When I heard the front door open and close I asked Liam. "Hey babe. What's going? Is Harry ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, love. He's fine. It's just about the snogging with Louis. He is screwed. There are pictures up on the net. He's going to have a rough time tomorrow at school. I know it. I wish there was something I could do for him Niall." He said. He sat down on the bed next to me, and rubbed his temples.

"I wish there was soemthing we could do too Liam. But at the moment all we can do is wait. We'll worry about Harry when he is truly hurting. This is just the beggining Liam." I said. He nodded and lied down next to me. I really wish there was something that we could do for Harry, but it was to late. The pictures were up and they weren't coming down.

Louis POV [A/N sorry for so many POV changes! Next chapter won't have so many.]

When Harry told me about Liam and Niall, I knew there was going to be a huge problem about this. But if Zayn found out, knowing him he would do something about it. He would maybe tell everyone, maybe try and break them up, who knows. All I know is that it wouldn't be that great if he found out.

"What do we do Lou?" Harry asked.

"We say nothing. Keep quiet to Zayn about this. I'm going to let him in now." I said. I turned around and opened up the door to my bedroom for Zayn to come back in. He cam back into the room and sat down on the bed.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Harry asked.

"Well I saw your videos from last night. You guys sound good together. Zayn you like singing?" I asked.

"I dabble." He replied. Harry looked at him like he was crazy.

"He does more than dabble. He has an amazing voice. So do you Lou." Harry said.

"Thanks. Wanna see what the three of us sound like together?" Zayn asked. Well that came from no where.

"Uh sure, but should I come over or something. Cause I'm not singing out the window." Harry said. I quietly laughed.

"Yeah sure." I said. Harry then closed his window and walked out of his room.

"We should get Liam and Niall over here too." I said to Zayn.

"Yeah, we should. We can ask Harry when he gets here." Zayn said. I nodded. I heard the door open knowing it was Harry. I heard him run up the stairs and then I saw him in my foor frame.

"Wanna get Niall and Liam to come over? I'm curious to weather we would all sound good together." I said, as Harry walked in my room and sat cross legged on the floor.

"Yeah, I can text them." He said. He then grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started tapping away. We all sat there in silence for a bit. Comfortable silence, waiting for Harry to have an answer to weather they were coming or not.

"Yeah they're coming." Harry broke the silence. I nodded. The I remembered Zayn doesn't know about them, I couldn't just ask Harry to leave the room or anything right now. What to do. . . what to do. Oh maybe I can try texting him.

Me: Make sure they don't act lovey dovey. Zayn doesn't know remember!

Harry: Right. I'll let Liam know.

I put my phone back into my pocket. Zayn was being really quiet. He kept playing with the sheets on my bed. "How long will they be?" Zayn said. It scared me a bit. It was completely quiet besides the pounding of rain on the roof.

"Uh, a few minutes, they just need to get ready, but they will be here soon." Harry replied. He then put down his phone and we all just started chatting away about random things. Harry was in the middle of telling a funny story when he got interuppted by the door bell.

"Oh that must be them." I said. I got up from my bed and ran down the stairs to answer the door. I opened the door and saw Niall and Liam standing there."Come in." I said. They walked in through the door; I closed the door behind them.

"Nice place." Niall said.

"Thanks." I said. I led them up the stairs to my bed room where Harry and Zayn sat.

"Hello everyone." Liam said. Zayn and Harry waved.

"So what are we doing?" Niall asked.

"Well, we saw the video that you guys posted of you singing, and we thought you were very good. So we thought why not get them over here and do a little jam seesion." I explained.

"Oh. Alright. Sounds fun. You know I never told you guys this but I have tried out for the X-Factor before. I just didn't make it through, as you can see." Liam said.

"Oh nice mate. What song do you guys wanna sing?" Zayn asked.

"How bout something by The Fray?" I asked. Everyone nodded in a agreement. I grabbed my laptop and put on the song How To Save A Life. I grabbed my phone and placed it on a shelf so it could see all of us. "Alright boys, when I hit play we sing together." I said. We all sat on the floor cross legged singing together while the music played.

When the song finished Zayn suggested I post it on YouTube and see what people have to say. So I did. Over the hours that the boys stayed over we had some good fun. We fooled around the house. We had play fights, we played video games, we sung a couple times, it was just all around a good day.

By the time dinner time came everyone had left the house except Harry, he stayed. "Lou can you check the video? I'm starting to get really curious." Harry asked me. I nodded. I opened up my laptop and went on YouTube. We already had 500 views. "I can't look tell me, how many views?" He asked.

"500. 374 likes. 30 dislikes. 100 comments." I said. I was shocked myself.

"You're not playing a joke on me? You're serious?!" Harry asked.

"Yeah Harry I'm serious!" I answered. Harry got up from my bed and pulled me in a tight hug.

"I wanna read some of the comments." He said. I nodded and let him see them. Some were hate comments but most were from girls that thought we were really good. "That's it tomorrow we're telling the boys, and we're looking into seeing when the X-Factor is going to be near us." Harry said. I looked at him with a shocked look. But I just smiled anyway. I was so happy that people really did like our voices. It was unbelievable.

That night Harry stayed over. We had gotten over what happened at the party. I tried to hold back my feelings but it seemed to get more difficult every minute I spent with him. Harry slept in the bed with me. I looked at him one more time and smiled before falling asleep.


Well tons of crap just happened in that chapter. lol. Hope you guys liked it :) Remember these chapters aren't edited. The next chapter will be filled with tears I gurantee it :). Sooo ya leave a comment or a vote :) Let me know what you think so far

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