Old News... ~10~

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Luca's POV

"Ok so it's a date? We'll go to the club tomorrow night, yeah?" I leaned against the wall making sure to show off my large muscles. The girl standing in front of me was absolutely stunning. I wanted her, and like always I was going to get what I wanted. She smiled at the ground. The cold air was whistling past my ears as we stood in the back of the school.

"Yeah I'll see you then, pretty boy," she joked. I playfully punched her arm.

"Alright. See you later," I pecked her on the lips and started to walk away. When I was behind her I smacked her arse. She turned around to look at me through squinting eyes.

"Tomorrow big boy," she smirked. Oh yeah, I definitely liked this girl. I smiled at her one last time before walking off to the front of the school where my car was parked. I blasted the radio, as I drove out of the parking lot and to my home.

The mansion was clean. The exterior was completely white, with lots of large windows. Through the windows you could see chandeliers hanging. I loved my beautiful house. I had everything I'd ever wanted. My wonderful family which loved to spoil me rotten, girlfriends here there and every where, money flying out my ying yang, and a massive luxurious house to take my one night stands too.

I parked my McLaren P1 in it's reserved parking space. The car fell silent as I climbed out of it, key in my hand. I loved admiring all of the cars in the garage. They were all so unique, but so beautiful. I named every single one of them.

I walked over to the front door of my mansion, across the extensive property. As usual no one was home. That had never bothered me. My mother and father had split up and I now lived with my rich father, where as my mum lived in a regular house in the desert of Arizona. My dad was always at work. Weather he was in his office working at home, on a business trip somewhere, or working at his actual office at his job. We had both made an agreement when my mum moved away. We wouldn't ask questions about each others lives, we simply just lived together. I was fine with it, and so was my father. We both loved each other, we just had an odd way of showing it.

I ran up the exquisite marble curved staircase, to my room. As usual it was sharp and tidy. Just how I liked it. My father always said, a business man has to keep tidy to keep his reputation. He was right. Another one of our agreements was that I would become a business man like him. He said I was never to smoke, drink too much, or do drugs. I asked about women and he simply said, "Lot's of men in the business world have many affairs. I don't care how many hearts you break, how many women you sleep with, as long as it doesn't consume your life." Another thing I loved about my father. He just didn't care what I did.

I could play as much sports as I wanted. He said we wouldn't interact much, but he did say that he would always come to my sports games no matter what. Plain and simple our deal was, stay sharp and tidy with your job and the rest I don't care. Along with no drugs, or smoking. But I've never thought about that or done anything like that.

I jumped on my bed and turned on the eighty inch flat screen smart television, I had in my colossal bedroom. Outside was dark. The tree's branches were moving with the wind. I watched the nature outside of my window doorway to my balconey. I was completely zoned out while staring at the scene, until I heard a name. It came from the speakers of my telly. It was a name I hadn't thought about for a long time, and wished I never heard it again. Zayn Malik.

It felt like a tsunami was brewing in the pit of my stomach. All those old feelings coming back to life. All those ancient memories being reseen in the back of my head.


We sat together in my favorite tree in the forest behind my house. I had always come here as a child, and only I knew about it. I never told anyone where it was, nor did I take anyone here. It wasn't a sanctuary, just an out of place tree. The wind was blowing a cool breeze on our backs. Zayn shivered when the wind got stronger. I noticed him. "Here take my jacket," I passed him it. He nodded and said thanks.

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