Realization ~7~

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Louis POV

The white ferrari backed into Harry's drive way. Harry and I sat in awkward silence the whole drive home. Last thing I remember from last night was seeing Harry sitting on one of the couch's at the club. When I woke up this morning I was literally scared. Harry was standing outside of the car naked and his chest was rising and falling quickly. I don't know exactly what happened, but the fact that we were both naked last night could mean something I really hope it doesn't. If what I think happened actually happened then I don't know what to do. 

Harry and I have been so close ever since the day we saw each other in the toilet. We would always hang out and have fun but now it was like we wouldn't just hang around as buddies. I don't know if this was just how I was seeing things or what. It seemed like I could tell Harry anything and he wouldn't judge me or anything. He was such a sweet boy. He still is. He is too sweet. He's such a charmer and I think I might be falling for him, even though I wished I wasn't. I hate him for making me fall for him. I wouldn't say I want to date him, and I wouldn't say I want to stay friends, I'm just so confused right now. 

"Well we're here. Uh do you want to come over?" Harry asked. He turned to me and scratched the back of his head.

"Um, I think I'll just go home. We can talk through our windows. But we have to be queit because I know I'm going to get into tons of sh*t with my parents," I replied. Harry nodded and looked out the window. He slowly started to get out of the car. I sat there for a second thinking but eventually got out of the car. 

Harry walked too his house and opened the door, he turned his head one last time to look at me and then walked into the house. I walked across my front lawn and into my house. The house seemed pretty dead. The cars were in the drive way, but no one seemed to be home. I walked through the hall and peeked into the living room to see if anyone was in there. I saw my sister Lottie sitting on the couch watching the television. I walked to the couch and sat next to her.

"Hey Lottie," I said.

"Hey Lou. Ya know mum and dad are upset with you. We watched the X-Factor last night," Lottie said. I knew this was coming.

"I figured they would figure it out sometime. Look Lottie I'm not the same. Mum and dad kept me cramped up in this house, I never got to explore the world because I was to scared of them. Then Harry came along, he showed me it was ok to explore the world. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not afraid of them anymore," I explained. Lottie kept her gaze on the television.

"I understand. Just tell them how you really feel, they should understand," Lottie told me. I nodded.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Outside sitting on the back porch, good luck Lou," Lottie said. I got up from the couch and walked towards the back sliding door. As soon as I saw them I couldn't help but think about last night, and feel guilty. I walked over to them. They were sitting at the table on the porch.

"Hello, Lou," My mum said.

"Hi," I said. I sat down in the chair next to my mum and across from my dad.

"Lou, what are we doing wrong? What has happened to you? You used to stay home all the time and you were such a good young lad. Tell me what made you change BooBear?" My mum asked. My dad sat there smoking a cigarette. 

"Nothing changed mum. I had always wanted to go out to party's and have fun. I've always wanted to sing. But you guys stopped me from doing that all. You sheltered me too much, and now I've just come out of my shell, I'm still the same BooBear," I told them.

"Oh Lou I didn't know that's how you felt. We thought everything was ok. We just wanted to keep you safe, and we never thought you were serious about singing. I can't believe this. We've never even heard your voice until last night.... Now about last night. How could you do that! You could have told us you wanted to audition! We could have been there for you Lou!" My mum was yelling now. She was upset. I guess there was some misunderstanding going on here. 

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