That's a First ~12~

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Louis' POV (Evening: Friday January 22nd)


This girl had nice long brown hair. She was pulchritudinous. Her cheek bones were perfectly sculpted. Her eyes were an intriguing brown. She stared at me from where she was sitting, on the stool at the bar. She looked so sharp, dangerous. She gave me a feel, that wasn't good but just so ... captivating. There were voices that I heard, but they were muffled and I couldn't understand them. I wanted to take my eyes off of the stunning siren but I couldn't. I physically couldn't. Until she took her gaze off of me. My body lost the tenseness it had gained while in her gaze. My head turned to look straight in front of me. It seemed not to be my brain to tell my head to turn, but it felt as if a magnet had forced my head to shift.

Harry sat in front of me. His mouth was moving but his words were muted. All I could hear was a graceful voice singing, and ringing inside my head. The voice was echoing off every corner of my mind. But it wasn't an unpleasant thing. The voice was singing, I was forced to listen closely to the words, and they were speaking dirty things. I looked back too the girl. She graciously slid off of the stool and strut towards me. I got lost in her beauty. When she reached me she held my chin to make me look up into her eyes. They had changed, only for a moment. They flashed a bright yellow. She brought my lips to hers and kissed me with such lust. I gasped when I felt a sticky metallic taste stream down my chin, and drip down on my chino's. A voice started to call out to me. It shouted my name over and over...

"Louis! Louis wake up! Is something wrong!?" Harry sat beside me shaking me awake. I was on his couch. I looked at the clock hanging above the fireplace. 5:29 pm. I guess I had slept for a few hours. Where was the family?

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Agh why are you screaming? Ow, where is the family?" I asked. Harry was as pale as a ghost. He seemed to be shaking just slightly. When he first awoke me his voice was breaking. It would squeak here and there, but for the most part it sounded manly. It was quite precious.

"Sorry love I didn't mean to scare you, or hurt your ears. The girls are upstairs, and my mum is in the kitchen. You screamed in your sleep. Not only that. You were tossing and turning, then you started um ... groaning, and erm moaning. Also you have a tent in your pants love," he explained. His eyes trailed down to my trousers. I followed his gaze. He was right. I had a growing tent, and it was getting sore. Wow thought that was over by the end of grade eight, guess not.

"Oh god. The family didn't hear did they?" I asked embarrassed.

"I shooed my mum to the kitchen to make sure she didn't hear. The girls all stayed up in their rooms but Phoebe came down and asked me why you were making those noises. I had to make up an excuse," he said. I scoffed.

"Perfect," I combed my fingers through my hair.

"You'll have to tell me what that dream was about," he had a developing smirk and he winked. I couldn't help but blush. He was so cheeky, just how I liked him.

"I will," I flirted back.

"Ok looking forward to hearing it. Oh! By the way, mum came home today and had a letter. It was about the girls. We aren't allowed to adopt them because your mum doesn't want to give them up entirely. But she said that we can take care of them sort of like a babysitter thing," Harry said.

"Oh that's great news! Um if you don't mind me asking ... did she say anything about me?" I asked, looking down at the floor. I know my mum always loved me, even if she didn't show it sometimes. Maybe because of father.

Thank God Harry started talking when I started over thinking things, "Uh yes actually. She left a separate letter for you. We didn't want to intrude so you can read it if you'd like." I scrambled up off the couch and waited for Harry to show me where it was. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a small white envelope from a little basket on the counter, and handed it too me. I was just about to rip it open when I thought that what is inside might kill me from the inside. What if mum has been keeping so much more then I thought, from me?

I slowly opened the letter, getting more eager by every tear of the paper. It seemed like I couldn't have opened it any faster, even though I wanted too. I could feel my back going through waves of heat as I got more and more nervous.

Dear Louis,

Hello Louis. My precious little Boobear. This is a goodbye letter. I'm sorry. For everything. For what your father did to you, and to me. He has been abusing and r**eing me for years. I wasn't allowed to tell you. He would've shot me. I let him do these things to me, to protect you and the your sisters. We made a deal. I would never tell a single soul, and would try to hide it from you kids as best I could in return that he would NEVER touch a single hair on any of you. But he did. He broke the deal, and that's why I am too. I was waiting for all of this to unravel. I know it's hard to believe. I always wanted you to do what made you happy. The night you went to audition for The X-Factor I cried. I wanted to go, and see you sing. I wanted to be there for you. But again, I wasn't allowed. Your father wanted you to be the perfect grown up well civilized man who went into business and had an amazing job. But I knew the moment I held you in my arms, you would never be like that. Also the night we had that fight, when I was 'angry' at you for being with Harry. It was all a lie. I wanted to get to know Harry. I wanted to get to know him so bad. But I knew if I even tried to reason with your father he would do something irrational and I would end up getting hurt. So I'm sorry for everything I ever did to hurt you. Please do not write back to me. I love you, but seeing you and the girls will hurt me too much. I don't want to give you up, I have told Anne everything that has happened. She understands. We have planned out everything down to the last detail. I am going in the witness protection program so you will not be able to find me for a long time, love. I love you. I'm so sorry.

Love, your mum

I looked up from the paper. It had tears now on it, making the ink run. It's funny how a once meaningless blank paper could turn into your death sentence. I think it's just amazing that something so simple and unimportant could turn into something, crucial to your life. I couldn't take my eyes off the page. I had just learned everything my mum had been hiding for years in a matter of minutes, and I wasn't even allowed to ask. Not a single syllable would be answered. I felt broken inside, again. I tried so hard to be a strong independent young man, but I was becoming the opposite without a choice.

"Louis, love. Are you ok?" Harry's sweet voice asked. My hands were shaking, my breathing was off and tears just kept dripping downwards. The floor started to look more and more like my best friend. I couldn't answer Harry's question. Truthfully, I wasn't ok.

Harry eventually realized I wasn't going to answer. He walked towards me and took the paper from my hands. He set it down lightly on the counter, and brought me into a tight hug. His scent was lovely. It wasn't even the smell of his clone. It was just the smell of, him. It made me weep even more.

My knees suddenly decided it was time to go down, so they bent and I was on the ground. Harry tried to keep me up stable, but my body declined to that. Soon enough I was sitting on the cold tile floor leaning against the cupboard sobbing. Harry tried to comfort me he sat next to me leaning against the cupboards as well rubbing my thigh. I could hear him talking to Anne but I didn't want to listen.

I just wanted to snuggle up with Harry in bed. I didn't want to continue life anymore. I hate my father. He is a putrid, pathetic, ugly, sore loser. As I stared down at the creme coloured tile floor a hand was placed in front of my vision. It held a glass of clear liquid. I grabbed it thinking it was water and took a sip, but it burned my throat. I started to cough. Harry turned into a panicky mess. "Are you okay Lou? It's just vodka," he would say. 'Just vodka' I thought it was water, it's going to shock my taste buds.

When my throat had calmed down I guzzled the whole glass down. It made me forget. It took me to a whole 'nother world. Exactly what I needed right now. No sarcasm intended. "Haz I'm going to go get ready for the club, you should too," I said casually. Harry looked at me shocked, but nodded in uncertainty. I watched as he pushed himself up off the floor. His arm muscles twitched and moved, as he gracefully got up from the floor.He was gorgeous and he didn't even have to try.

He reached out his hand for me to take, which I did. I used Harry's hand to pull me up and my hand to push me from the floor. When I was on my feet I looked around, everything seemed a little dizzy. The room wasn't spinning but I had an uneasy feeling being in that kitchen.

Harry took my hand and pulled me up to the bedroom to get changed. "Do you want to go out to dinner first Lou?" he asked.

"No thanks. I really just want to get out to the club and have a good time, yeah?" I said. Harry nodded.

The room was once again messy. It had two teenage boys living in it, what do you expect? Harry walked over to the closet and pulled out some clothes for him to wear. I went into my suitcase (which still had some clothes in it) and picked out a three quarter length shirt. It had black sleeves and the main part of the shirt was white. In the center of the chest it had a large smiley face with three eyes. I had a pair of dark blue skinny jeans in the suit case so I grabbed them. The last thing I grabbed was a fresh clean pair of boxers. With that I walked off into Harry's bathroom, and we changed in separate rooms.

I peeled off my shirt from my body and looked at myself in the mirror. My skin was so bare, tanned but bare. I never thought of it really, but I was really quite innocent. I hate that. I'm seventeen and innocent. No scars, markings, piercings, or tattoos on my body. Well that needs to change.

I stopped looking at my bare torso in the mirror and slid my pants down around my ankles. Then my boxers, once again staring at myself in the mirror unhappy with what I saw in the reflection. I quickly took my gaze away from the mirror and threw on the other closed I had picked. I looked at my hair, it could use a brush up, although I didn't want to keep Harry out of his bathroom. So I opened the door and turned back to the mirror. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to make my fringe look purposely messy.

As I fixed up my hair a Harry walked into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist, and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Hello Boobear," he said with a cheeky grin. The name Boobear reminded me of my mother now, but I was trying to rewire my brain to forget about her. Instead of crying I gave him a sad smile. Hearing Boobear coming from his was so cute, but right now it hurt a bit.

"Hello Hazzy. Are you ready to go?" I asked, turning around and holding his hips in my hands. I kissed him quickly on the lips before he could answer.

"Definitely. Mmm you smell good Lou," he said.

"Thanks. C'mon let's go love," I said. I walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs, Harry hot on my heels. I slipped on my white vans, with no socks. Harry pulled on his brown swade boots and out we went.

We were listening to some beats to get the mood up. It was almost working for me, I just needed some alcohol. I looked at Harry as he focused his gaze on the little yellow lines on the road. His curls were pushed back in his bright red snap back. He was wearing army green t-shirt and a denim button up, and regular dark blue jeans.

After a few minutes of just looking at him I looked at the road along with Harry. When I looked out my side window I felt a hand reach over and settle on my thigh. I looked at Harry with a smirk for a short second, but then looked out my side window again. I jumped in my seat briefly when a flash took over my vision. When the flash was gone I had a spot wherever I looked but i could see clearly enough.

Outside the window were a bunch of girls driving in a car next to us.They were smiling and waving at us, they even had their windows down. I looked over at Harry with a raised eyebrow. "Should I open the window?" I asked.

"Yeah, they seem like fans," he said. So I did. I rolled down the window and they started screaming. I thought my ears were going to start bleeding.

"Oh my God! Louis and Harry! Ahh! We love you guys so much!" a girl in the back yelled.

"Ahhh we love you too! Where are you girls headed?" I asked.

Oh my God he said he loves us! Ahh!" one girl said. i couldn't see her but I heard her. "We are headed off too dinner," the one in the passenger seat answered.

"How lovely. We're just off to a club," I said.

"Oh nice! How exciting. You guys have fun then. Um is it a possibility that we could all pull over and maybe get some pictures and autographs?" the girl in the back asked. I looked at Harry, asking permission. He shrugged.

"Why not. Instead of backing up traffic by pulling over though, why don't we park in that Nando's parking lot over there," I suggested. They all had goofy grins on their faces and agreed. I rolled up the window and we turned into the parking lot at Nando's.

Harry and I got out of the car together and soon enough the car with all the screaming girls in it parked next to us. they all filed out of the car one by one. Turns out there were about seven teenaged girls in the vehicle. They all came scrambling out of the car. We both signed t-shirts, foreheads, cell phone cases, and a whole variety of things. Plus we got a few pictures with each of the girls. After about three girls hanging off of Harry I got a bit jealous. I know they were just fans, but still he is mine. People are going to know he is mine at the club...

When all of the girls said there thank you's they climbed back into their car and left. Harry and I climbed into our car as well. Harry turned the car on, I looked at the time 8:02 pm. We needed to get going. I had just clipped my seat belt in and looked out the front window of the car when Liam and Niall walked out of Nando's hand in hand. Do they want the whole world to know they're together? The fans might see them and take a picture. "Harry, Liam and Niall are over there. Hand in hand," I said.

"So?" he asked.

"So the fans might snap a picture Haz. We need to warn them," I said.

"Right, I'll go let em' know. After all we were almost just caught. I hope they didn't think it was weird that you and I were going to a club together," he mumbled.

"Yeah I hope so too ... anyway. Go and warn them," I said. I looked down at the car mat on Harry's car floor. It was dirty and snow brought in from my shoes covered it. I heard the door slam shut as he trotted off to go talk to Liam and Niall.

I looked up at Haz running. He was adorable. His curls bounced up and down. He had his hands shoved into his dark shaded trench coat. He was just so graceful. Just one of those beautiful human beings that are good at everything on the planet. One of those irresistible love able dorks. The ones with the kind hearts.

I stopped watching the three young men talking to each other and focused on my phone I held in my hand. I tapped away at the screen going on twitter. I was constantly getting new followers by the minute. I tried to follow all of them back, but there were so many of them. I found a lot of accounts with Larry Stylinson related things. Mostly pictures, maybe a couple small videos here and there.

I looked more into this Larry Stylinson while I waited for Harry to return to the car. It seemed to be a combination of our names. How cute of our fans. So far people seem to think it's just a bromance and I am fine with that.

My thoughts were interrupted by a cold breeze filled the car, hitting my face. My body reacted by sending goose bumps down my arms.

"So what did they say?" I asked with small clatters coming from my teeth.

"They just said thanks. They were also caught off guard by the fact that we had fans wanting to take picture with us," he answered.

"Mmm," I dismissed the conversation and we drove the rest of the way to the club in silence.


Music was playing so loudly that you could hear from the stop lights at the beginning of the street. I couldn't wait to get in there.

Harry placed his hand on my thigh gently, as he parked the car. Once the car came to a full stop and the engine died he squeezed and then took his hand off of my trousers to, unbuckle his seat belt and open the door.

The music was booming through the entire facility. Sweaty, young, lustful bodies danced to the beat of the music. There were people socializing in corners at some of the stand up tables, people at the bar. Some just grabbing drinks, others seemed to be waiting for something or should I say someone.

Harry quickly squeezed his way through some people to reach his way to the bar. I followed him. As I squeezed through the crowd, I felt some people deliberately shoving themselves towards me. I didn't mind though, what did I expect of people in clubs?

Harry had only drunk about half a can of one of his beers, where as I had downed three shots and two full beers. "C'mon! Come dance with me babe!" I yelled to Harry over the music. The room felt warmer then when we first got here. My sight had gone insanely blurry, and I had become a little tipsy.

"No Lou, you go have fun!" Harry insisted for the hundredth time. He just didn't get it. I wanted him to come out and dance with me. I wanted to have a fun time with him, not some stranger. But I wasn't going to let it ruin my night. I tries my hardest to shrug it off which doesn't take much at all when your deadbeat drunk.

A hand grabbed mine and pulled me out into the middle of the dance floor. I looked up to see it was a girl. I guess it didn't matter, I just wanted to have a good time. I let the music engulf me in itself. I could hear the beat of the music, only. I couldn't hear the people shouting, I couldn't hear the girl who was trying to talk to me. It was just the music and I.

The girl brought herself closer to me and started grinding on me. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "can we take this back to your place?" Immediately I looked to Harry. He knew what has just gone down instantly. He pushed himself off of the bar stool and took me away from her.

"Could I steal him?" he asked. The girl looked shocked and a bit angry.

"Fine," she huffed. She turned around and walked away, pouting. 

"Thank you," I whispered in his ear. He looked at me and grinned. I took a good look at him. Bead of sweat were forming at his hair line, his hair slightly sticking to his skin. I didn't care if anyone saw I wanted to dance with him. I put my hands on his hips and brought his body close to mine, and we started dirty dancing.

Our legs were straddling each other while moving against each other. I focused on Harry, the way he acted. He closed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. My trousers suddenly weren't as comfortable as before. I heard Harry grunt from no where.

That's it, I couldn't take it anymore. Without even asking I pulled him out of the club. I ran to his car and climbed in, as did he. He hastily put the key in the ignition. When the key was in he set his hands on the steering wheel and rushed back home.


The door was locked. Harry searched for the key in his pocket without leaving my lips. We were breathing heavily, and making noises that were clearly loud. I heard the keys drop on the pavement and Harry left my lips to pick them up and open the door.

Once the door was open I jumped and he was cupping my bum with his hands. My legs were wrapped around his well built lower torso. I kicked the door shut with my feet. I could hardly feel my lips anymore. Just a tingling sensation was left of them. Harry grazed his tongue along my lip. I gasped and opened my mouth. His tongue explored my mouth with great dominance. As soon as my tongue made contact with mine, I moaned.

"Louis what the f**k are you doing?" my eyes could've burst out of my skull at that point. Harry dropped me and I just landed on my feet, but almost fell over. I spun around quickly. Lottie.

"Oh my god. Um, sorry. Where is everyone?" I said in an embarrassed tone.

"God, if your going to do that stuff do it in your frigen room. Sorry isn't going to cut it. Ugh, everyone is asleep upstairs. It's like one o'clock in the morning. Oh and if your about to do what I think you about to do, try to be quiet," she said. I nodded and Harry and I walked up stairs with our heads hanging low.

Once Harry was about to walk into our room I pushed him in roughly and semi-slammed the door shut. I pushed him onto the bed and straddled his hips. My bum was in the air and our lips were connected. He slapped my bum and I wheezed. He took the opportunity to explore my mouth. I wanted him, now. I've waited so long. Screw his birthday, I want to do this now. 

I tore my shirt off my body and threw it onto the floor, where it landed somewhere. I took off Harry's shirt with a bit of help from him. I unzipped my trousers and started sliding them off when Harry rested his hand on one of mine.

"Louis please. Not tonight," he said.

"What the f**k? When then Harry?" - I climbed off of him and layed next to him - "I've waited for so long. You said we were going too soon, so when?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Louis. I just want it to be perfect. I don't want it to be pure lust. I want it to be out of love," he said. He had a point. 

"Ok fine. I'll make plans for it though Harry. We are going to soon. We have too. I've never had your body, and I want it," I confessed.

"Same Lou," he said. I rolled off of the bed and finished taking off my pants. I flung them over by my suitcase and walked into Harry's bathroom to finish business.


Getting pretty heated ;). Don't worry I promise they will soon, I keep holding it off :P. Who knows when it will be though. Might be next chapter, maybe the one after that, maybe even the one after that. Who knows? But I promise soon. hope you guys liked this chapter :) If you could leave a vote, or comment to let me know what you thought of the chapter that would be the best :). Thank you so much!

P.S Thank you for 900+ reads! and 200+ votes! I can't believe this. I hope to be able to get 1,000 reads by new years. If that could happen oh my goodness I'd have a heart attack. I can't thank my readers enough. You guys are amazing and I love all of you! <3 Thank you!

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