Put The Camera Down ~14~ (Day 2) -Part 1-

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Louis' POV (February 6th, 2010)

Today was unusually sunny. I wasn't expecting it to last though, after all England's weather is quite bipolar. Yesterday was a gloomy day, although it's been the first non raining day in what seems, for ages. The battle Harry and I have been facing seems to be over. At least for now.

The roads were crowded this weekend. The love in the air was thick. With Valentines only days away, and me here with the love of my life. Today was going to be an amazing day. Nothing could ruin my mood at all. The sky was relaxing, Harry's humming to the tune of the musicbeating in the car warmed my heart. I reached out for his hands, I wanted to feel his warmth, to know he was there with me. He took my hand, and intertwined our fingers locking them together. My heart beat, at the warm sparks that shocked through my body. Like the first time we touched. The first time I fell in love.

I backed the car into a parking space on the side of the road. Where we were going, I made sure not to park to close. As my right foot hit the ground and I stepped out of the warm car, the cool air struck my skin hard. I took in a large breath and regreted it afterwards, the air sent chillsto my brain. People walked the streets as they always did. London was peticularly busy, traffic swarming, the population rushing to get to the next place, tourists crowding the side walks making the locals rage. London's natives weren't the nicest kittens in the litter. Nothing would stop the tourists from coming though. Just as Harry and I are.

Harry walked around the back of the car towards the sidewalk with me, grabbing my hand. No one on the sidewalks seemed to notice. One perkI knew would be nice about London; everyone is to damn busy with their life to care about yours. Which is how it should be. That's not how it is in Doncaster though. The two of us started towards our first destination of the day.

"Where are we going Louis?" Harry's sweet voice momentarily covered the horrific sound of the bussiness.

"You'll just have to wait and find out Hazzy," he groaned in response. I ignored it, he didn't need to know where we were going until we got there.I couldn't wait to see his reaction. I don't think he will be scared, hopefully.

"Lucky Souls. T-tattoo parlor?" he stuttered. I nodded, I couldn't tell his reaction yet, he was just shocked. I couldn't bare to see it, without at least going into the shop first. I dragged him in, without letting him say another word.

A little bell rang, as the cold glass window swung open. Harry placed his hand over top of mine. I could tell he was nervous, wasn't expecting itat all.

"Louis? Is that you in there?" Cher asked from where the chairs were. I could hear the machine buzzing away, but I couldn't see her. The placesmelt like ink. The walls were covered with posters of rock bands, and framed pictures of people's finished tattoo's. I was expecting this, I wasready for this, realxed even. Harry was not. I could see it in his face, and tell by his actions that he was still in shock. Complete awe, if you will.

"Yeah! I'm up here," I yelled back.

"Alright! I'm just finishing up this tattoo. Make yourself comfortable!" I didn't bother telling her that it wasn't just me here. She probably had forgotton. Instead of checking out the shop, I sat down on one of the black leather chairs in front of the window. Harry continued to explore, he looked through the portfolio's. As much as I wanted him to sit down, and for us to talk about what we could get I didn't want to pressure him.

I knew this was all a surprise and if I was put in this situation I would act similar to how he is. This part I didn't tell to his mother. I got her to signthe paper but I didn't tell her what it was for. Harry was excited, he had to be. Right now that's all I can afford to think.

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