The First Audition ~6~

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Harry POV

The cold water struck my face. It was the time of the audition, on a Friday night. It had been about a month and a half now. All of our parents were here, except Lous'. I was in the bathroom at the moment. The nerves were getting to me, but I tried to hold it back. All the boys were in the backstage getting ready and practicing their vocal chords. I told the boys I just had to go to the toilet quickly. 

I looked in the mirror and stared myself in the eyes. In the past month, Louis and I have gotten closer.  After the first day of our practice went on, everything changed. Louis suddenly was always by my side. He didn't let anyone hurt me. Through out the days I tried to ignore him, I felt empty. I was beginning to get depressed, and the bullying started to get to me. At first the words meant nothing but when they continuously come at you, you feel like they are true.  I guess how I was feeling started to show, because the boys started to look at me weird, or talk soft to me. Even Louis would try to do something to help, even though he knew I wasn't quite comfortable around him. I thought about cutting several times, but I tried so hard not too. Eventually I caved in. I couldn't take not being around his sweetness anymore, it was driving me mad. Louis and I were now all good nothing weird had happened, and some how the bullying seemed to have brought us together. It was something we had in common now, and we would always vent to each other about it.


I remember this one night. The bullying was so bad that day. I came home with tears rushing down my cheeks, bags under my eyes, and bruises all over me from being beaten. I ran up to my room, and threw my bag on the floor. My bed looked the only thing that would keep from dieing at that time. I walked over to it and sat on it. My hands covered my face as the salty tears ran down my cheeks. Through my sobs, I suddenly heard a small tap on my window. I got up to see who it was. Louis.

"Hey Harry." He said. I tried not to look at him, I knew he would ask what was wrong.

"Hi Lou." I responded.

"Harry, I'm going to be striahgt up honest right now. You look awful. What happened love?" He said it with the most caring, soft, motherly voice I'd ever heard. That's when I broke. I looked him straight in the eyes.

"Boo it's everything. This is my life now. I come home everyday with a new bruise or scratch. I hear the voices from the people at school still going off in my head. I can't stop it Lou, but hell I wish I could. It feels like there is no way out Lou, it's come to that. Help me. Please, to God help me." I said. The sky was dark, the wind was cold. Louis looked at me with a devestated look. He looked like he was going to cry. We sat there in silence looking out our windows at each other. The tears on my cheeks just kept rushing down and my mouth was trmbling. I was truly in a state where I couldn't fix myself. I needed someone.

"Oh Harry. You need a hug. I'll be right over." He said. He closed his window and I watched as he left his room. I closed my window and crashed back onto my bed. I let out a huge wail of pain. Inner pain. I layed there crawled up on my bed. I heard the door open and close, and foot steps run up the stairs. I looked at my door frame waiting for him to come in. When I saw him I was on my feet. I ran over too him and pulled him in the tightest hug. His hand strocked my hair. As I let out sobs he whispered things in my ear. "It'll be ok Harry. We can get through this together. I've had quite the awful day myself." I half smiled.

"Louis what do we do. We can't stop it, so what do we do. It's not just one person Boo it's everyone. We can't just solve our problems by getting them all expelled so what do we do." I asked Louis like he was my only hope. 

"I'm not sure love. I'm not sure." He said. He was holding his hands together and he layed them in his lap. That's when I saw the cuts.

"Louis! No! You need to stop this. Look at my wrists, there is nothing on them. Look I didn't cut, and haven't cut for you Lou. I've been staying strong for you. Please all I ask is that you do the same for me. Please." I begged. I was holding his wrists and I showed him mine. He looked down at the ground in shame.

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