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A/N: This one is a rewrite of a season one episode, but including Phoenix. It would take place in around season two in my stories. Yes, because she's the daughter of Zeus she can fly. Very little part in it. Just remember Phoenix and Danny are twins. Enjoy!

* * *

Danny Williams stood on a board slowly while Kono, a friend of his, told him all of the things he was doing wrong.

“Bend your knees. Legs slightly farther apart. There you go.”

Danny jumped off the board. “I feel like an idiot. When are we going out there, huh?” he motioned to the ocean.

“When you’re ready. Unless you want to try now and completely wipe out on your board.”

“What were you saying about bent knees?”

It was then that a siren sounded on the beach. Everyone started to back out of the beach area, running like their lives depended on it.

“Kono!” Danny yelled over the noise.

“It’s a tsunami!”

With that, she ran into the crowd, trying to organize the chaos.

* * *

For the third time, my eyes drooped, just listening to McGarrett’s heartbeat. We were just sitting on the couch, watching TV. Although, I had barely been paying attention to it. A second later, McGarrett turned off the TV.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Phoenix, you’ve almost nodded off three times now.”

I sighed. “I haven’t slept well lately. It’s a bad omen, I’m sure of it.”

“I know. You’ve been up for hours on end.” He ignored that last part.

I started. “You weren’t supposed to be sleep deprived with me!”

“Ah, well. I am. So how ‘bout a nap, huh? Just here on the couch.”

Contemplating the choices wasn’t very hard. I closed my eyes and sighed happily when sleep came a few minutes later for both of us . . .

* * *

My reflexes kicked in as soon as the loud noise started. I jumped up, hearing the siren. McGarrett, who I noticed looked slightly disoriented, answered his phone, motioning me to come with him outside.

“McGarrett. Yeah, I hear it. We’ll be there soon, after I take Phoenix to a friend’s. Yes sir. Bye.” he hung up.

“McGarrett! What’s going on?!” I was really starting to panic. Back in Iowa, these sirens signaled tornadoes. What were the chances that they were good here?

He gave me a gentle kiss in an attempt to calm me a bit before grabbing my hand and his keys.

“Tsunami warning.”

I almost froze up, but he pulled me towards the door, making me snap out of it.

Once we were safely in the pickup, he took off.

“Where are we going?”

“You are going with Grace to Kamekona’s.”


“No buts, Phoenix.” He looked at me in the passenger seat. “It’s not safe. Just stay there, alright?”

I sighed. “Alright.” We stopped at a traffic light that was usually busy, but was now was completely abandoned.

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