Sacred Bones

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A/N: Alright, this is another rewrite of a season two episode so Phoenix is in it. I’m too lazy to type the whole case out, but I think you guys have seen it, or at least get the idea. Um, this would be before Phoenix and McGarrett got together; although they like each other, they hate to admit it even to themselves, let alone the person they were in love with. Anyways, enjoy everyone!

* * *

We walked into the showroom, and I couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of the dead people below me.

“His car’s still here.” Chin commented, seeing nobody. “Must be working late.”

Danny shrugged. “He’s got a lot of bodies to hack up.”

I shuddered again. Scary thought.

“Chin, you get second floor.” McGarrett ordered. “Danny, you get back.” I saw him hesitate. “Phoenix-”

“I’ll get the basement.”

He shifted nervously. “Phoenix, I don’t know . . .”

“I’ll be fine.”

He was quiet for a minute before nodding, handing me his back up phone. I was quick to slip away before he decided to change his mind. I clicked on the flashlight poised on my gun, aiming it on the stairs that led downward. One step. Then another. They seemed increasingly colder as I made my way down.

Finally, I was there: the basement. It was open, making it seem even colder if that was possible. I tried the lights. Nothing. I kept on with the check, checking under the tables, making sure nothing could get me. Papers on the floor caught my eye. Sure enough, many were scattered below a file cabinet. I flicked through the folders. Records of the dead, I realized. Why would someone want these?

That’s when I heard it. A suctioning sound. I slowly turned around and went to the other side of the bed, and almost threw up. There was our suspect. Being embalmed alive, although, it was obvious he was long gone.

“Clear.” I muttered to no one, opening up the phone and taking out the antenna.


“Phoenix, you sound shaken up. What’s wrong?”

I smiled gently at his worried voice. “I found our suspect, dead. Embalmed alive.” I could practically see him shudder through the phone.

“Any chance at saving him?”

“No way. I glanced back at the filing cabinet. “Whoever killed him also went through his files.”

The smallest of metallic sounds rang, my acute ears picking it up. But there was no time to defend myself. Everything went black.

* * *

“Phoenix!” A voice rang throughout the room as I came to again. “Phoenix.” I felt a hand gently squeeze mine. Groaning, I managed to open my eyes to see McGarrett’s worried face. “Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah.” I muttered, trying to sit up. He gently pushed me back down.

“Don’t overdo it. Just lay a minute.”

I nodded, something I normally wouldn’t do. My head felt like it was about to explode, but my ego hurt more. A rookie mistake. I was such an idiot!

McGarrett must’ve seen something in my eyes, because he gently brushed a piece of hair out of my face. “What happened?”

I blinked in shock at the tender gesture before somehow answering him. “The guy must’ve hidden in one of the caskets. I had no idea.”

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