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A/N: Okay, this is this episode where Laurie leaves in season two. The New York precinct? Castle on ABC. Watch it, it’s amazing! I don’t think there’s anything that specifically needs to be said. I am warning you though. This is VERY long. :) Enjoy!

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“Hey.” I said, trying to hide my nerves and sadness

McGarrett turned happily, giving me a rare grin. “Hey. I was thinking maybe a movie tonight? There’s some good ones on the satellite-”

“McGarrett, I can’t.”

His grin faded. “What do you mean?”

I gave him a sad smile, handing him an envelope. “Here. Think of this as a Valentine’s Day gift, first of all.”

“Nix, you didn’t have to-”

“No, I did. Go on. Open it.”

Giving me a curious look, he did so. And surprise covered his face. “Season tickets?”

“I outbid both of you when you guys were arguing like the old married couple you two are. Make sure you share a bit, alright?”

“Yeah, yeah. But that doesn’t explain why we can’t have a movie night tonight.” He said, plopping the tickets on the desk and coming forward.

I looked down, tears filling my eyes slightly. Even though they weren’t falling yet, he knew something really bad had happened to make me want to cry. “Phoenix?”

“The Governor told me today that I was released from the team. I’m going back to the precinct in New York, Steven.”

He completely froze. “Nix, no, you – he can’t do that.”

A tear fell. “Yeah, he can McGarrett. And will. In fact, I get a free ride on his jet that leaves in two hours.”

He shook his head. “No. Phoenix, I’m not letting this happen.”

“You have to. If I’m not on that plane . . . I’ll lose my consulting badge in New York, and he might say something to the press about how I have no records.”


“Don’t make this any harder, Steven. I’m already hurting.”

More tears fell then. He gently came forward and hugged me tightly. “I won’t give up, Nix.”

I shrugged, laying my head on his shoulder. “You’re going to have to.”

“There’s got to be something, anything we can do.”

Another shrug as I backed away. “There isn’t. It’s happening, McGarrett.”

He gently cupped my face. “Please tell me this isn’t a goodbye.”

I gave him another sad smile. “It is.”

His lips gently brushed my forehead. “I love you too much. I can’t let you just leave.”

“I love you too, McGarrett. More than you can imagine.”

He gently kissed me then, and I knew what it meant. He wasn’t giving up until I was back in this office again. I memorized the feeling of it, the taste of his lips, the way he made me feel special, and the way I wished I could keep in the moment forever. I broke away slowly. “I have to say goodbye to the others a minute.”

McGarrett nodded. “Come back here when you’re done.”


He squeezed my hand before letting me walk out the door. I headed to Chin’s next. After I repeated the story, his reaction was pretty much the same.

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