When the Storm Breaks

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A/N: This one is about when Phoenix and McGarrett admit their feelings to each other. I figured whoever was reading this would want to know! So here you go!

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Tears were streaming down my face as I ran. I was so stupid! How could I let it slip? The look on his face . . . he hates me now, and he'll never talk to me again. I reached a park, and even though the pouring rain was making me cold, I sat on the swing. How did it go wrong? This day was so great until then. Why did I have to say it . . .? I thought back to this morning, and how it was so much fun . . .

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"Morning, Phoenix!"

My electric blue eyes looked up from some Fruit Loops that I was eating to see Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett standing there in his usual attire after his morning swim. AKA, Cargo shorts, tight t-shirt that showed off his muscles, badge and gun on his hip.

"Morning. What's up?"

He grinned at me. "Nothing so far. I haven't got a call from the Governor, so I'm guessing I'm home on a Saturday for once." Just as he said that his phone rang.

I smirked. "I think you just jinxed it."

He stuck his tongue out at me, answering it while shoving a hand through his messy black hair. His cute messy black hair . . .

Stupid SEAL. How did he not know how handsome he looked when he did that? I mean, he had to, right? Didn't he know that I was falling for him? I shook my head to clear my thoughts, refusing to think about that. He hung up then, grinning.


McGarrett smirked at me. "Wouldn't you love to know?"

"Yes, yes I would."

"Aren't you nosy?"


"Alright, alright." He gave in, done with having his fun. "Danny and Grace are coming over in an hour to swim out back. Do you know how?"

I scoffed. "Yes. I just usually don't."

"Will you swim then? Or are you going to sit in your suit on the beach with Danno?"

I pondered the options. Either way, I'm in my suit. It's just the choice of if I want to get wet or not. Hmm.

"I think I'll swim. Even though the ocean probably isn't the best thing for me to swim in. I should be fine though, since you're there."

The SEAL offered a smile. "But of course. Don't worry. I'd save you."

"Alright then."

He watched amused as I excitedly put the remnants of my cereal in the sink and headed upstairs. Bounding into the guest room, which was practically mine now, I put on my swimsuit. I turned to the mirror, looking at my reflection.

My blonde hair was pulled back in a braid, like usual, with my bangs pulled back by my special lightning bolt hairpin that is magically enhanced so it never falls out of my hair. Good thing too. Finally, my modest blue bikini that brought out my electric blue eyes.

I slipped on my orange Camp Half-blood t-shirt and orange highlighter shorts over top, and headed back downstairs. McGarrett, already in swim trunks and the same black shirt, was grabbing some towels from the closet.

"Hey, need any help?"

He glanced at me and shook his head. "Nope. Wait. Do me a favor and call Danny." He took his IPhone out of his pocket and threw it to me. "Tell him he can come earlier if he wants to because we're ready."

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