Coming Home

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A/N: This one would be Season two or three. McGarrett had to go do missions for the Navy against his will. This one takes place when he finally gets home. Enjoy!

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As I stepped out of the plane and onto the grounds of Hawaii, I felt happy, no, ecstatic, for the first time since I left. I could see Danno, the team . . . Phoenix.

That in itself made me grin. Phoenix Williams. Sixteen year old me. Feisty, yet sweet. Smart and serious, but knows when to joke around a bit. And the best part? She's mine. Nobody else's. She's always joking around that I'm possessive, which is true, but I can't help it. It's just my personality.

Anyways, here I was, grabbing my pack, and ready to go home. Danny met me at the entrance. He looked tired, although that I could understand. The flight was late, so here we were at two AM, greeting each other for the first time since I left.


I nodded, shaking Danny's hand. "Good to see you again."

"Ah, well. I hate to say it, but the same goes for you too. Not the near death stunts, of course. Just having you not around." I smirked and really greeted him. Putting my ego aside, I gave him a quick hug.

We got into the car and headed back. We made small talk, spoke about the cases the team had had when I was gone. Finally, I couldn't hold back the question any longer. "How's Phoenix been?"

Danno winced. "Not very good, my friend. She's probably gotten only a couple of hours of sleep per night, if at all. Worrying about you all the time."

Crap. I was hoping it wasn't that bad. "Is there any good news?"

He thought for a second. "Thank the gods for Ammo. That dog hardly left her side. Camped next to her in your office if she got lonely at home, made sure she ate and got some sleep every day and night."

I nodded. Ammo was a golden retriever puppy Phoenix got from her father a few weeks before I left. He said the little thing could save my Sparky whenever she was in a tight spot; I didn't see how a dog could, but I knew better than to ask. At first, I hated him. He was over excitable, and seemed to be everywhere we were. But after Phoenix named him Ammo (at first I thought she was kidding, but sure enough, it stuck), I found myself liking him more and more.

"I told him to guard her with his life and to take care of her. Looks like he did his job, huh."

"Yeah." We pulled up to my home. "Don't worry about coming in tomorrow. We have it handled."


The detective interrupted me before I could get any words out. "No excuses. I'll have the cousins come over tomorrow to see you, because I'm sure they're just as excited as Phoenix will be to have you home again."

I gave him a thankful nod. "Thanks, man."

"Now, go see her. She's probably still awake anyway. 'Til tomorrow."

We traded goodbyes and I got out of the car, heading to my home. I opened the door, expecting a flying projectile or two. But there was nothing. My pack was dropped in the entryway before I headed to the living room. And was met with a sight I'll never forget.

The lights were all off. Phoenix was laying on the couch, TV still on, with her head on Ammo's side. The puppy himself looked at me in excitement, his tail wagging softly. From the tear stains on her cheeks, I knew she had to have just fallen asleep a little bit ago, a half hour at most. Her usually perfect braid was messy, like she put it in just to have it in. Finally, the shadows under her eyes showed how true Danny's statement was. I turned off the TV before turning to my friends.

"Hey, Ammo." I scratched the pup behind his ears. "Thanks so much. I relieve you from your duties."

He licked my hand as if to say 'My pleasure' before he gently wriggled away from the sleeping girl. Her eyes immediately opened dully from the movement. Her electric blue irises didn't have her usual playful spark in them, to my dismay. Then she looked up and saw me.


I smirked, opening my arms. "Hey Sparky."

Phoenix flew into my arms, sobbing into my shoulder.

"Shhhh, I'm home now."

A sniffle. "You are never leaving again, if I have anything to do with it."

I laughed gently before tilting her head towards mine and kissing her. There was no way to describe it. After living so long without her sweet kisses, it felt amazing to have them again. I lifted her up gently, remembering how Danno told me that she had almost broke her ankle chasing a suspect.

She broke away glaring. "I can carry myself, thank you very much."

Ah, back to normal. Definitely.

"Danny told me. Next time, wait for the chases until I'm around, 'K?"

A shrug. "We'll see." She said, still miffed.

"Mine would be you, Sun keeps shining, back road flying." I sang quietly.

The girl smiled, forgetting her anger. This was our song. "Singing like crazy fools, Making up our own words, Laughing 'til it hurts."

"Baby, if I had to choose, My best day ever, my finest hour, my wildest dream come true." I murmured.

"Mine would be you." At this point we were back in our room.

I smiled at her. "I love you, Phoenix."

She returned it, yawning. "I love you too, my SEAL."

"And you call me possessive."

I heard her soft chuckles as she laid down next to me. Her head went on my chest, eyes closed, just like every night.

My eyes shut too, much happier now that my Phoenix was in my arms. That night I slept the best I had in months. And it's all because of her.

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