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A/N: This one is one of my favorites, actually. Anyways, the idea came up when my mom was talking to her friend about getting best friend tattoos. So this slipped into my mind . . . make sure you look at the picture to the right (keep in mind that in the story, it would be in color) Enjoy! ^_^

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“Sir.” I looked up from my work to see Petty Officer Jacobs. He was small in stature, but was built thick and tough. I had immediately taken a liking to him. He was smart, quick, and had a sense of humor, a SEAL that made the job easier.

Of course, he couldn’t compare to my team back home. After being gone on this wild goose chase of a mission for almost a month now, I was ready to just go home already. My chin was covered in the beginnings of a beard, and my hair was getting shaggy. But none of that really got to me; the biggest pain was not being around Phoenix Williams.

I pushed her out of my head, not wanting to have a weak moment in front of Jacobs. “What do you need, soldier? 

He straightened considerably. “There’s a tattoo parlor in town, sir. The guys and I want to check it out, and as you know, we can’t go without supervision.”

Going to a tattoo parlor wasn’t exactly on the top of my list of priorities. I had artwork on both of my biceps, and that was enough. But the guys had been through a lot in the past week; we had almost lost two men to our enemy. I knew that they needed a pick me up. “Alright.” I finally muttered, grabbing my wallet and keys to the hummer outside.

Jacobs broke into a grin and saluted before all but running back to the rest of the team, their eyes brightening as he told them the news. In no time, we were heading down the dusty roads of the small desert town to a dark building with a sign with the words TATTOO PARLOR in both English and the native language of the country.

Intent on just sitting myself in a chair and watching some SEALs cry, I headed to the lobby while the guys who wanted to get one talked amongst themselves quietly, sharing ideas. I rolled my eyes. Now I knew what my commander felt like when I was a rookie, and, like these guys, wanted to have a little fun.

The first few were corralled in the back, and judging by how many there were, I knew it’d be a while. A book of drawings caught my eye, sitting on the ragged table to my right. Deciding that I might as well look to pass some time, I opened it up. It’s pages were in rough shape, but I managed to unstick some and flip through it absentmindedly.

Some were sophisticated, others dirty and drawn quickly without much thought or care. A few black and white, and some beautiful shades of color and vibrancy. The first guy came out empty handed, and somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if he chickened out or really couldn’t find one that he liked.

The next went in excitedly after the others clapped his back. I looked over the troop, deciding mentally who would decline the offer and those who would actually go through with the artwork. Counting four that would most likely get some tats, I sighed. I was gonna be here for a lot longer than I would like to.

Sifting through some more illustrations, I sighed, once again wishing I was back in Hawaii. I missed the cases. I missed my Ohana. Heck, I even missed Danny’s rants! But the person I missed most was Phoenix.

My lips spread apart in a deep sigh. Phoenix. I missed her lips on mine, her beautiful blonde hair, her blazing electric blue eyes that seemed to see to the bottom of my soul with a single glance. Her enticing peals of laughter always made me grin and laugh too, immediately brightening my mood. I wished she was in my arms again. Shaking her out of my thoughts once again, a picture of a seal made me grin, staring at it’s poorly drawn and designed fins. Then I turned the page.

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