The Party

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A/N: This one is probably season 2 somewhere before Phoenix leaves for Camp. This has nothing to do with the season 2 episode; I actually wrote this before even seeing that one, so yay for me! For the most part, there's nothing you should know. Oh, Phoenix never has her hair out of a braid. Never. Not at night, and certainly not during the day. Enjoy!

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“To another case closed.” Steve McGarrett, head of Five-0, toasted.

I grinned. “No surprise there, my friends.”

Kono gave me a high five. “Girl, thank God I have you around. Too many guys otherwise.”

“It’s probably why they’re always getting into trouble.”

The guys chorused their disagreement, grinning. We argued playfully for a bit, until . . .


Steve stood to attention. “Governor. Did you need something, sir?”

The governor looked at the others. “Actually, yes. There’s a black tie event tonight that’s supposed to host some of Hawaii’s best. And your team has been invited.”

“Sir, thanks, but-”

“Sorry, Lieutenant. Not an open invitation. You need to look good for the crowd.”

A sigh. “Alright sir.”

I laughed softly at his oh so excited expression. “Kono, Chin, Danny and I will be there on time.” He said.

“Actually, I want Phoenix to go too.” My laughter stopped as Steve gave the governor a pleased smile. “It will be great for our younger audience to see how we support our community.”

“Alright, sir. We’ll be there.” He said, smirking.

The governor left a second later.

I groaned as soon as he was gone. “Why me?”

“Because you have rotten luck. And because Karma’s a jerk.”

I stuck my tongue out at him. “I don’t have anything to wear.”

“One call to Aphrodite and would fix that pretty quick, huh . . .”

“How did you know I had something?”

“Because I know you too well. Always prepared. Kono, you mind dropping Phoenix off at home? I think my suit is at Danny’s for some odd reason.”

She grinned. “Sure. I’ll just grab my dress from home, and I can get ready there. And make sure she doesn’t make a break for it.”

Crap. She knows me too. Too soon, I was at home getting ready. After showering, I just sighed. A knock at the door made me stop glaring at the reflection in the mirror.

“Phoenix, do you have a robe on?”

Kono. What does she want? I put one on and opened the door to see her already prettied up. Her white dress showed off her curves, but modest in the amount of skin shown. Her hair was up and curled in a simple, but elegant, way. After a little bit of makeup, she looked beautiful.

“Wow Kono. You look gorgeous.”

“Thanks, but by the time I’m done with you, you’ll look even better.”


“No buts, girl! Either this, or I tie you up and do it.”

Okay, so either way she does whatever she wants with my looks. I opened the door wider, letting her into the bathroom. She first made me put on my dress that she had dug out from the bottom of my bags. Then she set to work after making me sit on the bed in McGarrett’s room.

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