Shots Fired Part I

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A/N: The angst fairies were whispering in my ear. :) This is a rewrite of the season two finale and is a CLIFFIE! MWAHAHA! :P  Enjoy!

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Somewhere in the back of my mind I heard sirens blare, but the pain was on the foremost of my mind. Everything was blurring together. Joe was yelling at me to stay with him, Danny’s anger was swirling in another part of my mind, and someone put an oxygen mask over my mouth, pressing against my shoulder and stomach. I couldn’t stand it anymore. Slowly I found myself drifting away. An unsteady beeping stopped in constant noise as everything went black.

* * *

Two Hours Earlier

I jumped out of the passenger side of McGarrett’s navy blue pickup. “You ready for work?”

He shrugged, falling into step with me. It was a warm day out, one of those days I just wanted to spend the day with McGarrett on the beach, just relaxing. “Course, Nix. Probably won’t be any cases, our luck. Another boring day.”

After starting to nod in agreement, I stiffened. It was a simple feeling, like we were being watched. One that always seemed associated with danger. I shuddered to a stop, glancing around us.


“Someone’s watching.”

He too stiffened, looking around. After a quick survey he relaxed again. “There’s no one.”

I frowned. “But . . .”

The SEAL gently tugged on my arm. “Come on, you’re just imagining things.”

“Yeah.” I sighed. Maybe I was, but it sure didn’t feel like it. We headed inside after a second. I plopped down on my couch, and McGarrett quickly slid behind his desk, clicking open his laptop. We sat in silence before I turned to him, trying to keep the venom out of my voice. “How’s Shelburne going?”

He shrugged dejectedly. “Nix, I’m searching and searching, but so far? Nothing. At all. It’s like he doesn’t exist.”

“He’s not supposed to exist, Steve. There’s a reason.”

“I know, but.” He sighed. “My father died for Shelburne. I deserve to know who he is.”

I gave him a small smile. “Yeah, you do. Just remember your promise, alright?”

He returned it. “I won’t leave you and Danny behind, Nix. I swear.”

“Yeah, alright -” I stopped midsentence as I saw Joe approach. McGarrett, seeing my eyes widen, turned and checked himself. I could see him sit up straighter.

“I’m going to go for a walk.” I muttered, standing and stretching lazily.

He made a face, glancing back distractedly. “You don’t have to.”

“Uh, yeah. Yeah I do. See you later, alright?”

I left just as Joe came in, nodding to him. Danny’s office was always a good choice. Ducking my head in, I saw a very stressed looking Danno inside. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Rachel.” He spat her name with venom. “Decided to try getting full custody of Grace and take her to Las Vegas in a few weeks.”

My heart broke. “What? Sh-she can’t, Danno!”

“She can and will, unless I fight her.”

“You have too!” I exclaimed. “Danno, she’s my little niece, and I refuse to let this happen. As your sister, you better take my advice!”

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