The Morning After

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A/N: I don't know why this plotline just keeps coming, but it just is. *Shrug* Oh well, I guess. Anyways, this chapter isn't very organized. Like, at all. This is just one of those ones that just needed to get wrote right now. You other writers know how it is. ;) Enjoy!

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I woke up slowly, relishing the feeling of the warm sheets. Hmm. Warmer than usual. A second later, I realized that my pillow was really warm. And movable. It was then that everything came flooding back, along with some realizations. One: Last night wasn’t a dream. Thank God. Two: We were no longer on the couch, falling asleep by each other in PJs during a movie, but sleeping on McGarrett’s bed. Three: McGarrett’s arms were wrapped protectively around my waist, my head on his chest. I could get used to waking up like this.

I blinked my eyes open and was met with ocean blue eyes staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.

“Good morning, McGarrett.” I whispered, stretching slightly.

He jumped, but smiled at me. “Good morning, Williams. A very good morning.”

I settled back down against him. “You think so?”

I felt him grin against my hair. “Yeah. Most definitely.”

 “Although I wish it happened differently, I’m glad you yelled at me. And kissed me. And asked me for a movie date on the couch. In a two hour period.” I was being slightly sarcastic, my specialty.

The SEAL nodded seriously before giving me a rare smile and saying, “Love you.”

That in itself made by insides melt. “Love you too, Super SEAL.”

A door slammed shut downstairs, and we froze; I tensed my muscles and braced myself to leave the warm bed and hide. “Steve, are you okay? You haven’t been answering my calls.” She said.

I saw McGarrett swear silently, his lips moving quickly.

“McGarrett?!” By now Catherine Rollins was climbing the steps.

“Stay here.” The man himself whispered, climbing out of bed quickly.

I nodded, standing up. One last glance was traded before he went out the door, closing it behind him. Immediately I went into escape mode. The bed was too low, so hiding under it wouldn’t work. The closet? No, too obvious. Then my eyes drifted to the window. I found myself opening it and climbing out a moment later, going up to the roof. Not even a second later, I heard the door open, not having bothered to close the window in my rush.

“Why couldn’t we go in here again?”

“No reason, just a bit messy.” I heard McGarrett reply, half confused, half relieved.

She snorted. “This is not messy, McGarrett.”

I could almost see his shrug in my mind. “Anyways, was there a reason you insisted on going in here?”

“Well, I could’ve sworn I heard something, but since it’s clear . . . I have a few hours until I have to be back . . .” She trailed off.

No way was my only thought.

“Your ship still in Pearl?”

“Yeah. So I can leave a few minutes before and still get there on time.”

I could picture her standing close to McGarrett, too close for me. My muscles started to tense and quiver in anger. Then I could just hear her kiss him. Tears dripped down my face, although I couldn’t tell if they were angry or sad.

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