Chapter 27

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The leakage of Story of My Life is out Have you seen? omg I cried! Louis's was the worst, like geez. I'm so upset but it was a good song, though. Anyways, enjoy this long one my dears. ((: ~Mrs. Styles

Dana's POV

I stepped into the bedroom and looked around. Another hotel... Louis had been here for about an hour, but I had gone shopping. It was weird walking through the store being followed. I finally got everything done when a couple of security guards gave me a hand. I was a friendly person so I didn't like doing that to people who were simply fans. As a child, I had imagined meeting my idols but treating them like people. I had thought everyone was like that, but I was wrong. Louis got more attention than I did. We had released a few videos and our album would go out into stores in a week, so fans were definitely excited. And people loved the Katy Perry cover we did so much that we actually put it in our new album. We've never met Katy, but obviously she allowed us to use her song. Well, we will be meeting her. Tonight, actually, and that's why I'm now searching a seemingly empty hotel room for Lou. "Louis?!" I screamed for what seemed like the billionth time. Suddenly, there was a crash and a thud. "Louis?" I called, running towards the small kitchen, which I had just left. Louis poked his head out from a cabinet under the sink. Oh my... He was under the sink! "Hoe did you get down there?! I needed your help putting this food up so we can get ready!" I exclaimed, bending down on my knees. His blue eyes were wide and filled with innocence. "You wanted your dork back! Tada! Here I am!" He grinned. He was such a child. I helped him out and it took like 5 minutes. "I found something!" He said, tugging my hand. He led me to the bedroom and opened one of my suitcases. I immediately put my hands over the top. "No, there's stuff in here!" I said seriously. "I already looked, I wanted to unpack for you," he said sheepishly. "I told you not to-" he pressed his lips to mine and my fingers made their way to tangle themselves in his hair. Little prick. He smiled into it as pulled away. "Hey, we can do that after we meet Katy. But now, I want you to see," he said, pulling out exactly what I hoped he wouldn't pull out. My cheeks felt hot as I made to snatch the scrapbook from him. "No, no, no!" He said, quickly pulling it out of my reach. It was useless- I was too short. "Let's see... Property of Lou Bear, Devvy Cakes, and Dana Bug!" He yelled, reading the cover as he made his way into the living area. "Please, no!" I begged. We made this scrapbook when we were 15, and we added photos from before and after that. The two used to call me "Bug" because apparently I reminded them of a rolly polly. You know, the little bugs that rolled into shells like the inset version of an armadillo. Because I was "tiny" and "shy" but when I sang, I "opened up" and became "me" or whatever. It was super annoying, but Louis wrote on it in sharpie so I never changed it. He also wrote "Devvy Cakes" because we called Devin "Devvy" and she was always the popular, overly sweet one. Since Louis only joined the picture at 14, it was difficult for Devin and I to adjust at first. Like, it had always been us two and I had suddenly befriended the blue-eyed weirdo. He was a year older than me, too, so Devin had actually had a crush on him... The thought sent a shiver up my spine, causing Louis to pause. "I really won't look again, Dana..." He said, handing over the large purple book. I smiled shyly and took it. I had brought it hoping that it would keep me close to home. I felt embarrassed. I share this feeling wot Louis. "Why are you embarrassed? It's important!" He prodded, walking past me to the bedroom. "Yes? I mean, I know it's important, but- What's that?" I stopped dead as Louis stared at me from behind a small stuffed monkey. "Oooh oooh!" He imitated a monkey and I noticed a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Remember this?" He asked. I nodded and flipped through the book. Finally, I laid it on the bed. CARNIVAL was spelled across the top of the page in colorful letter stickers. About 7 photos were taped randomly to 2 pages, all from the day we spent at the carnival for Devin's 17th birthday. Louis, Devin, and I had played a game to see who won the toy and, shockingly, I had. The immature 18 year old Lou pouted until I surrender and gave him the monkey, which he names Loana, the mixture of our names. (Low Ana or Lou Ana! Definitely not loan ah. Lol.) Now, seeing the picture of us as care-free teens brought tears to my eyes. "Babe..." Louis whispered, bringing me in for a hug. I don't know why I was so upset... I just missed being home. "Come on, we get to meet Katy! Let's get ready!" He urged.

Loana ;D Classic! Omg I liked this chapter actually!! Idk why, cuz I'm a terrible writer, I just do it out of boredom!!! ~Mrs. Styles

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