Chapter 12

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Dana's POV

Louis pressed his soft lips to mine. I kissed him back, our like moving together. I pulled back and sighed. "Ready?" I asked. "Yes." Together, Louis and I walked into the recording studio. "Ready to start?" Simon asked. I frowned. Louis and I were making our own album. I was nervous. We sang a song we had written called "Letting It Last." (I wrote real lyrics. Too scared to share. Sorry.) Louis sang perfectly, no surprise. We did 3 more of our written songs. (I may share one later if I get more reads and votes.) At 10 p.m. we stopped. As soon as we got home we fell asleep.

Louis's POV

I sighed as I entered the kitchen. Dana was at the table, drinking orange juice and munching on carrots. She was reading Seventeen. I haven't been able to really talk to her much. We finished our album yesterday, after 3 weeks. We worked hard to get them perfect. Today we had to go take photos and decide on an album cover. I took a bite of her carrot and she stuck out her bottom lip. "Don't take my carrot!" she whined. I grabbed one out the back she had and sat down. "We're almost famous." "Lou. Life is boring." "It'll get exciting." She shrugged and we left. When we got there, Simon and a photographer ushered us in. We took several photos in many different outfits. We smiled and it was fun. When it was time to pick, we flipped through our photos. We agreed on the same one. I had on a T-shirt and white jeans. I was holding Dana on my back and looking at her. She had on short shorts, a shirt with the British flag on it, and her feet were bare. Her toe nails were painted red, white, and blue. Her stylist had wrapped a blue head scarf around her straightened dark brown hair. Her makeup was light and she looked beautiful. The background was a field with beautiful flowers spread everywhere. "Can't wait for the videos," I joked. "Oh. About that," Simon said. He smiled and crinkled his blue eyes. "You're video shoots will be taken along with your X-Factor winner's tour. In America." Holy carrots.

Hmmm. ~Mrs. Styles

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