Only Human-Chapter 9

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*click click*

*click click*



I jump up from the sudden noise and search everywhere to find where it came. My muscles tense up and my heart racing.

*click click*

I turn my head to the right and see that it was the grandfather clock that went off. I relax and sigh deeply. I rubb my eyes and look back to see what time is was.

9:17 pm

I rub my eyes once more to make sure that I wasnt mistaken the first time.

"I slept for 8 hours!?"

I face palm and shake my head. I cant belive I've been asleep for 8 damn hours. I stand up but feel a great weight on my lap. I look down to see Asriel fast asleep, eyes closed and resting comfortably. I slowly sit back down and lean my head on the couch. My eyes averted to the ceiling while I wait for him to wake up.

(Timeskip by Sandia with Tajin)

I've waited for about 30 minute and my legs grew sore, my back aching and my arms wanting to push Asriel off of me. I look back down at him and see his back slowly rising and dropping down. I tap my foot, which moved my leg. I hear Asriel groaning in annoyance and I stop immediately, not to make him up. I was afriad he'll thrown me across the room or kick me in the stomach like last time.

I was so bored that I got the idea to finally just wake him up for the heck of it.

"Let's just hope I dont get beat..."

I squeezed my arm out from under him and began poking his head.

No response.

I poked harder but at his horns this time. He flinch at this and rolled over to his side; his back facing towards me. I groan in complaint but try waking him up again. This time I lifted his ear and blew into it. It flicked out of my hand and twitched a couple of times. I giggle at this and do it again.

He rolled over on his other side; his face towards me this time. I blush with embarassment and felt awkward. I avertd my eyes around the room thinking and looked back at him. I lifted my finger and began poking his nose softly.

It twitched, making it look like he was smelling something. I laugh a bit more and began poking his stomach. I know I shouldn't be doing this...but hey...I was bored and I had nothing else to do.

I stopped as I notice that i was going to far down to where his belly button was. His stomach was exposed and showed he was quite fit to for his age. I can see a bit that he started getting a 6-pack but not as major as the guys that were body builders in magazines.

I poke my finger at it to see how it felt. I then put my whole hand onto his stomach and began tracing the muscles i could see. I was completely focused on feeling his stomach that I didn't hear the groan coming from him.

I kept going but stopped where the shirt ended and look back at Asriel's face

He was awake...

His black eyes pierced into mine and his white pupils staring at me annoyed. Out of reflex I jump from this and push him off my legs and feel my heart racing. I started panting and hear a loud thud.


"Oh no"

I lift my legs onto the couch I was sitting on and cradle myself. I then see him slowly rising but poking his head out in front of the couch. He looked at me and frowned, raising one eyebrow up in a irritated manner. I see a vein pop out on his foreheard and he let out a low growl.

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