Chapter 37- Test Subject #E3S507 PART2

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I make a left, running down a long hallway. Sirens continued to wail and the red light shone the walls. My chest was beginning to hurt and my feet were getting sore after running for quite a while. The entire place is chasing after me and the only thing I can do was run.

I was on my own...

I hear yelling coming from behind and I ran faster. I looked over my shoulder to see a group of people searching. They wore some black uniforms, which I'm assuming were the security for this place. I look back ahead to notice I was closing in at the end of the hallway. 

I made a choice to turn right and continue running and maybe look for someplace to hide. My lungs are burning now but I cant stop. I needed to continue and eventually find a way out of this place.

There were doors on each side of the hallway. Some had windows and some had caution tape on them. I wonder what was inside of them but not at this time. I'm looking for a door unlocked and maybe even less conspicuous for the people who are chasing me to not find me.

 "There he is!"

My heart jumped from the sudden voice breaking into my train of thought. I look over my shoulder again to see the same group from before right behind me. Then to notice they were closing in on me and quick.

I try to ignore the fact that was happening and tried concentrating on my mind to figure a way out, since I cant hide now. I'll only corner myself in and get myself caught. So again I make another turn down a hallway but this time instead of a wall ahead of me, there were double doors.

Hope began to fill my body. Finally I can escape from this damn place and go home...

"This is F4 reporting! We are in hot pursuit of #E3S507! He is heading towards the roof! I repeat he is heading towards the roof!"

"Roof?! Oh you've got to be kidding me right now! How the hell am I suppose to escape from there!"

I was inching closer to the double doors but not until I hear a bang. I duck my head not knowing where that sound came from or what is was from but there was no way in hell I was letting anything touch me.

"Red! What the hell are doing! Our job is to capture not kill you dumbass!"

"Now they're trying to kill me?! Just fucking fantastic!"

"We need to slow him down! It'll be easier to catch him if he shoot one of his legs! He wont be able to run!"

I was now a couple feet away from the double doors. I went into a full on sprint like it was the last thing I was going to do. I've quickly reached them and busted the doors open. I plan on shutting the door behind me quickly and put myself against it, unable for them to reach me. But that didn't really go according to plans...

The second I busted through the double doors I was met by an army of guys with black uniforms. They surrounded me quickly and each one of them held out a gun. I also notice that is was snowing. Snow was layered above another on the ground. 

Suddenly a large beam of light shone down on me. It blinded my eyes so I used my arm to cover them. Above me I see and hear a helicopter coming up from in front of the building I was standing on. It hovered over me and the security surrounding me as well.

"There's no point in running Damian"

A familiar voice catches my ear and I look around. Everyone looked the exact same, how the hell am I suppose to know who spo-

My train of thought was interrupted when I noticed a white figure stepping out from behind the security. A man in a white lab coat step in front of the crowd. I knew immediately who it was...

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