Prisoner-Chapter 26

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It hurts...


My mind went blank. My eyes gaze off somewhere and I pain no attention to Scar yelling out my name...

"Izayan! Earth to Izayan! Helloooo"

She waves her hand in front of me but I ignored it. Her question kept repeating in my mind. I don't know how to respond in anyway and I didn't even know the answer myself...I'm just...confused...

"Do you like...y/n?"

Suddenly I feel something wet pouring down neck towards my spine. I feel a chill go up my back and I shake my head, snapping out of deep thought. I then realized I was dram he'd in water...

"Yo, you alright? I lost you..."

I look in front of me to see scar with a worried looked. I blink my eyes a couple of times to make sure I'm back to reality and I respond quickly...

"O-oh ya I'm alright, I just zoned out and I was in deep thought"

"Ya you acted pretty weird when I...asked you that question"

"Let's just forget out it, I'd rather not say anything about myself"

"That's alright I understand"

I sigh and head towards the mat, ready to fight. Scar follows me and we give each other some space between us. I take my stance and so does she and as we were about to begin, I hear the door bust open.

We both face where the direction came from and see a solider running into the room, stopping in front of us. He was panting heavily trying to speak...

"Woah woah calm down, first just take a deep breath, what's going on"

"Izayan is it something major?"

"I don't know that's why I need to know from him"

I look down to see he finally calmed himself and he straightens himself up, trying to speak quickly...

"Sarge needs all soldiers to round up at base. One of our guys spotted y/n in some sort of flying object heading north, our guys are following her as we speak"

My eyes widen with shocked but relief and I quickly run to the shelf, grabbing my gun and combat knife. I throw the towel to the ground and signal Scar to follow. We all ran out of the room and towards base.

I was out of control and I didn't stop running until we finally reached the base. Scar was still behind me but I didn't care and I pushed the huge double doors open, walking through a crowd our Army shoulders.

They looked at me surprised but I ignore there reactions, I headed straight to another room to spot my father standing in front of a huge screen showing a hover craft flying across sea...


A man typing on a computer below the huge screen turned around to face me. Scar came rushing in stopping by my father...

"We spotted y/n l/n over the Pacific Ocean heading north towards Washington. We also spotted another figure with her airborn"

"Where are they right now"

He turns back to his desk and picks up a radio...

"This is C.M requesting your progress"


"I read you C.M, we are right behind them, coming in over Washingtion. We are turning right heading straight towards...The White House"

I look at the man who was talking to the radio confused. He looks at me and shrugs as I look over to my father to see him walking out of the room...

Hurts Like Hell (G!SansxReader)Where stories live. Discover now