Chapter 34 -His Return

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I lay in bed tired. Not wanting to move or blink my eyes. I felt drowsy and I needed sleep, but my body just refused to get rest. My head was still burning up and the fever hasn't gone down. Luckily, I didn't get hurt during the seizure and Asriel gave me some painkillers to numb the burning pain on my back.

I hear the door open and I switch my gaze over to spot G walking in. He peeks his head in and looks over at me...

"Oh...your awake"

"...I was never asleep..."


He closes the door behind him and walks towards the bed. He sits next to my legs, placing his hand over my feet. He leans to the side, cocking his head and glaring at me steadily. Not moving his eyes away from mine...

"...Can I help you?..."

"U-uh...N-No...I just came in to check on you, to see if you were all right"

"...Well for your information...i'm not okay...My body hurts and..."

I pause to take a breath. My chest was now hurting from talking and my lungs felt like they were going to explode. I just have to keep talking at a steady pace...


"...I'm fine I'm fine...just, my chest hurts...what I was meaning to say was...this is getting old..."

"What is?"

"...This life's too much...even for a 'human' to handle...and...I can't stand it anymore..."

"what do you mean by that? Are you saying you want to leave us?"

"...Yes...I've been trying to say that to you guys for the past...God knows how long..."

G was getting upset and I hate to tell him like this, especially the state that I'm in. I don't want him pitying me but I also don't want him to yell at me. I'm just tired of them...treating me like a toy...

"Why do you want to leave so bad? What did we ever do to you?"

I inhale, taking a breath before I answered his question...

"...G...look at me...explain how this happened..."

I nod my head, showing him to look at my body. I had bandages and my face was sweating. I just wasn't getting any better...

"Look... I know your hurt but Az-...we didn't mean too. It was an accident and I promise we wont hurt you again...just...don't leave us"

"...Well how do I know it was an accident...and besides...this has happened before...every time you'd get mad or your having a bad Take it out on Asriel does... or when you think I DESERVE it"

"I-I'd never hurt you on purpose!...Y-your my pet...I couldn't harm you even if I wanted too!"

I sigh in frustration and lift my arm up towards my collar. I try feeling around it but when I moved my shoulder, it would hurt...

" see means my life is on the line every single day...because you forced this on me ever since you kidnapped from my house and forced me to live here with you..."

"Well...there had to be a way to keep you here so you wouldn't run off...and besides we didnt trust you back we do..."

"...Then why is this still on me...I'm no animal G...I'm an actual human being...I can't just be treated like garbage and hurt for every little thing to save your damn life or when I don't obey... you threatening me and punishing me for what? Not listening to my 'master' because I don't want to?"

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