Desperation-Chapter 23

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3 days later...


It's been 3 day since i've been discharged from the hospital...

Every since y/n was kidnapped, I've been training hard...

My father has instructed all soliders to look for her and bring her back ALIVE...

Only a few stay to help me train in combat and shooting...

"Hey Izayan is it safe for you not to wear your gear? You can get seriously hurt out there..."

"Nah I've done this many times, your just not around to see me do it"

"Well im busy 24.7 and I get calls every damn minute from my team"

"Well sucks to be you"

"hahaha very funny..."

My best friend Eric,... has been my partner ever since I joined the army. My father forced me to come so i can grow stronger and help him in his work. Eric was the one who took me in and taught me everything that I needed to know.

He's kind and funny and without him I dont think I would have gotten this far. He's only 5 years older than me and I really do look up to him alot. I am the same rank as him but I shouldn't even be here for my age.

Im suppose to be 18 or older but since my dad talked to his boss and my school, I dont really have a choice in not going...

"Alright, ready the drones"

"Izayan I really dont think this is smart. These things can really leave a pain in your ass"

"I doubt they'll aim there, besides...if anything goes wrong you can shut them down"

"Okay...Whatever you say Corpral"

"You too"

I didn't like wearing the gear because I felt it weight me down, making me move more slow and harder for me to dodge the shots. So I wore something casual to school and just come driving here without having time to change, given the time my dad gave me to be here.

I step out into the field and load my gun. I check my aim and make sure the safety is off. I turn around to see Eris behind a glass window givng me the thumbs up. I nod in return and take in a deep breath.


"Ready when you are!"

I motion my hand for him to start and I run to take cover behind a small wall of sandbags...

"Activating drones in 3..2..1.."

I held my gun close to my face and waited for the drones to come out and attack me. I hear the hovering of them and wait for my opportunity to show...

"Izayan you forgot to wear the head scanner!"

"It's fine i'll put that on next time"

"Alright here we go!"

2 second past and already a drone spotted me. I raise my gun in front of me and begin shooting the damn thing. It starts to shoot laser beams at me and I quickly dodge them. Seconds later more drones came in my direction from my right.

I run for it and at the sam time I start shooting at each and everyone of them, making sure I damaged them good. Hover drones, ground drones, speed drones, kept shooting me but luckily I was able not to get hit.

"Hey behind you!"

I flash my gun behind me and see a speed drone coming right towards me. Quickly I take out my other gun and load it with one hand. With one in each hand, I shoot the thing until I see the sparks coming out of it.

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