Chapter 39- Supreme Commander

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S c a r l e t

I stare at Undyne to notice that she was a fish lady. Also meaning that she was a monster and this wasn't a good sign. Me, a human, standing in the middle of a monster base where I can possibly be killed at any moment.

Right now there is a war going on between Monsters and Humans. The Second Species War is what we call it. The first, we humans won and sealed the monsters underground. I look up at Dr.Black and he gives me the look that is was alright to go with her. I wasn't going to draw out my sword to attack her.

I don't even know how to use one and the last thing I want is to be killed by a monster. So I try keeping my cool and I slowly walk up to Undyne. My body was stiff and she takes notice of this. I was shaking slightly, fearing what might happen to me if I went with her.

But I was going to trust Dr.Black since he told me it was alright to go with her. Suddenly I was slapped on the back and this broke my train of thought...

"Don't worry punk I don't bite!"

I stubble forward out the door and into a hallway. I look back at her to see a smile plastered across her face. She looked like a nice person but I wasn't going to let my guard down just yet. I needed to get more information on her and then I'll make my decision to befriend her or make her my enemy.

We walked down a long hallway and I strolled alongside her with Dr.Black behind us. I wonder why he was my caretaker, whatever happened to Eric?...

"So what's your name kid?"

I switch my gaze over to her...

"Name's Da-"

"Scarlet...HER name is Scarlet"

I look back at Dr.Black to see him giving me a gentle smile. I completely forgot that in the letter I was given a new name and that I was no longer Damian anymore. Scarlet Silva was my new identity and since I'm a girl, I am forced to keep it.

"Well, it's nice to meet ya Scar! You don't mind if I call you Scar right?"

"Uh N-No I don't mind"

"Good! Cause I think we'll be great friends!"


I look back at Dr.Black to see him looking ahead of us. I know we're in the middle of a war between Humans and Monsters so why is Dr.Black here? Isn't he human? Does he side with monsters?

I was so distracted that I didn't notice Undyne stopped right in front of me. I ran into her and I stumble back almost losing balance. But luckily Dr.Black was behind us because he caught me just in time before I fell...

"Woah careful there"

"Oh shoot sorry Scar didn't mean to do that!"

"No no it's alright, it was my fault. I wasn't paying attention"

I gaze ahead of me to see two large double doors. I awe in amazement over the patterns that were drawn onto the doors and that were covering every inch of it. Everything looked all fancy shmancy...

"Well, we're here! Now let's go say hi to pops!"

"Or The King you can say"

"Yea well I like to call him pops since he is the one who practically raised me"

"Okay fair enough"

Dr.Black slips over my shoulder and whispers something in my ear...

"When you meet him, please follow what Undyne and I do. This is the King you are meeting, also known as the Supreme Commander, so show respect okay?"

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