Chapter 27- The Boss

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I load up my rifle, making sure the aim is clear and I have everything prepared before I jump off the helicopter. Our main plan was to rescue y/n while my other guys are heading towards P1 and P2. Once my team is on White House territory, we will speak with the president. We need his permission to search all around to make sure he's safe and as goes the same for y/n.

Since I'm commander for this team I have to make sure my guys are alright. I look around and stand up on my feet. I grab onto a handle to make sure I don't fall. I make my way towards the front and open the door.

This helicopter is different from the others I've seen. It's also half plane so there's enough room for my boys to squeeze in and sit down at least. I peek through the door to see of course 2 pilots steering the aircraft. I make sure everything is alright and ask how far we are from the White House...

"How we doing here guys"

"Everything is working alright. Mechanical and technical are working just fine"

"How far are we from the White House?"

"About 5 minutes and we will be there soon. It's already up ahead of us"

He points in front of him and I switch my gaze to the front window. There I see the White House, surrounded by a tall black metal fence. In front of it was a large yard and space for our chopper to land safely.

I turnaround and exit thought the door, closing it right behind me. I adjust my pants and walk over back to my seat, picking up my rifle and putting the straps around my neck and on my back.

I tighten my leather gloves and walk forward, looking at every person I can see. I walk back and forth making sure I can get everyone's eyes on me...

"Alright guys! Listen up!"

The switch there gazes onto me and play full attention to my voice. They had to listen either how so they have no choice. The put there guns down and stop what they were doing...

"We are about to get off this helicopter any second and I need all you guys to be on your best behavior. Not saying you guys are bad or annoying but i am saying this because the moment we walk out of this chopper the president will be waiting right outside. SO pay full respect and dont be goofing off!"

"Yes sir!"

"Also the moment we step off of here I dont want any complaining, nagging, or mouthing from anyone of you, got it!"

"Yes sir!"

I look at everyone of them and nod my head with satisfaction. I stay standing until the heliocopter finally lands. Slowly I see light pouring in through the door, leading us out into the front yard of the White House.

Everyone stands to there feet and 2 by 2 , they exit out of the heliocopter. The last person out was Scar and after her I stepped out of aircraft and in front of the White house. I notice the sky was pitch black dark, not one star spotted in the sky.

The only lights that showed were multiple lamposts spread across the green grass. I see it was glistening, knowing that the grass was wet, glimmering in the night. I step outside onto the ground and look at my surroundings, every tree or bush I saw was pitch black and I couldn't see 5 feet past that.

"Alright soldiers set your guns aside we wont be needing them right now"

The put there guns around there back and everyone of them face me. I look and see the White house sitting right in front of me. Scanning it from bottom to top, everything was so clean and somewhat organized.

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