The Beginning of A New Nightmare-Chapter 29

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Shit just got real... But luckily there's lil' old me to be around and take care of that!!! 



It doesn't take me a second longer to figure out who it was...


Recklessly and without thinking I race towards y/n, seeing her horribly injured and wounded on the ground. I kneel down by her side and check her pulse. It was faint and my head was spinning with questions but I push them into the back of my mind and make y/n my first priority...

"Scar get me a medic in here NOW!!"

"Yes sir!"

I hear footsteps fading away and look back, remembering my soldiers were still in the other room. I whistle, signalling them to come in and surround the monsters, they hold out there guns and I hear them loading their ammo.

I look back at y/n to notice she was now fading in and out on consciousness. I look down at her side to see a huge blood stain covering her shirt. I search for the source that was causing her to bleed out.

"She ain't gonna make it jackass, I got her pretty good to make sure she wont be able to walk anymore"

Slowly, anger began to boil in my chest and I turn my head back to face the fish lady. I stand up and slowly walk to her, keeping space between us...

"You.....Did you do this to her?"

I can feel my face fuming with steam and I tighten my hands into a fist, trying to keep myself under control. A wicked smile planted right across her face, as she crossed her arms and cocked her hips...

"That bitch really was a pain in the ass, serves her right to be treated like shit"

Now I was pissed, I stepped forward and raised my fist and aimed it at her jaw. Hard enough that she fell back on her ass and held her cheek, knowing that I wasn't the type to be messed around with...

"I'll make sure to save you a spot in my special hell when I take your filthy ass back! You hear me!"

"I ain't goin' anywhere with you fucker!"

"Doesn't look like you've got a choice bitch!"

She opened her mouth to say something but she closed it again and looked away. I look over to the fat goat man and stared him down. I take a couple steps forward and stop right in front of him...

"And you....Did you hurt y/n too, better tell me now before I found out later or I can also save you a spot right next to your bitchy assistant over there in my special hell what's it going to be?"

I can tell he was agitated as he towered over me, not saying a word. I raise one brow, showing him that he wasn't scaring me at all if he was trying to. I tapped my foot with impatience and sigh heavily...

"Guess I'll take that as a yes..."

I turn around and look down at the other two. The skeleton was injured a bit as I can tell but he immediately shifted his eyes away from me and towards y/n...

"Hey you...skele-guy...."

He turns his head towards me  and I kneel down right in front of him, quickly grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling it up and facing me eye to eye. He had a bored look on his face and he sighed...

"Don't you even dare touch....or look at hear me!"

He rolls his eyes and pushed me away. I ignore his attitude and look over at the other monster, the one who kidnapped y/n....

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