32: Don't Leave... Again

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I heard a cat meowing from outside the door. I looked at the hour on my phone: 7:30. I kissed Dan quickly and got up. Strangely, no hangover. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and came back to my room.

I slipped my dark blue skinny jeans and my Green Lantern t-shirt on and got my dark green all stars for a change. I tied my brown and pale pink hair ("The colour is fading, I'll dye it soon") up in a high ponytail, got a black hoodie, my earphones and backpack.

I opened the door and let the cats in. They jumped on the bed and laid down next to Dan. He moaned. Cutest. Thing. Ever.

But it was time to get up.

- GOOD MORNING! - I yelled as I crossed the hallway. - COME ON SWEETHEARTS, TIME TO WAKE UP. - I heard groans coming from all the rooms and from the living room and I laughed. - Come on, get up. - I threw a pillow on Adam's face and he moaned.

Soon Matt and George appeared. Then, Woody and Alex. Later, Will and Kyle. Adam and Ross got up too. Peter came to us a few minutes later.

- God, I look like shit. - Matt said as he looked at his reflection on the living room mirror. - My hair looks like a rat nest.

- That's what makes you beautiful. - I smiled at him and they laughed. - So, who wants breakfast? - I heard groans in affirmation and I laughed. - Okay then. - I started making eggs, toast and pancakes for everyone except for me. I really wasn't in the mood to eat.

- Where's your boyfriend? - Kyle asked while trying to steal a pancake. I tapped his hand and he laughed.

- He's asleep, I guess. - As soon as I said that, we heard a groan.

- Annaaaaa. - He appeared on the living room looking like a zombie, my cats walking around him. I laughed and walked over to him. - Why do they keep following meee?

- They are just like me, they like you. - I smiled at him and he blushed a bit. He leaned in for a kiss but I slipped away as I saw something on the wall behind him. - AAAAH! - I slapped my hand on the wall with all my strength and, hoping I killed it, pulled my hand away. I looked at it. I heard Dan squealing.

- GOD, ANNA, WHAT WAS THAT? - Dan yelled. - I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO SLAP ME! - I showed him my hand. - Ew, dead spider, go wash your hand. - I laughed at his face.

I went to the bathroom and washed my hand. I got back to the living room and all the guys were sat down, talking and eating. They talked about music, tours, albums and stuff. I sat next to Ross on the couch and started to zone out

- Anna, do you prefer Bastille or The 1975? - Suddenly Will asked me.

- What? - I looked at him.

- You heard it, An. - Adam said, staring at me.

- I won't answer that, duh. It's not because I don't want to hurt any of you, it's because I can't really decide.

- Come on, you gotta have a favorite one. - Woody said. They kept making pressure when I finally decided how I was going to to solve that.

- I will get Bad Blood and The 1975 to see how many songs I love from each album. The one with more songs I love will win. - I smiled and looked over Bad Blood first. - Pompeii...

- Pompeii wanker... - George mumbled and I poked him. They laughed.

- Bad Blood, These Streets, Icarus, Oblivion, Flaws, Daniel in the Den, Weight of Living part I, The Silence, Laughter Lines. - I continued.

- Bastille: Eleven. - Kyle said. - And I can't believe you don't love Overjoyed!

- That song is overrated guys, I'm sorry. Anyways. - I looked back at my phone. - The 1975... guys. Your band name is that, your album name is that... but also a song with that name? Overkill. - They laughed. - Anyway. The City, M.O.N.E.Y...

Weight of Living || The Galaxy Cat Sweater {Bastille || Dan Smith || The 1975}Where stories live. Discover now