127: So Basically...

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I really tried to dye my hair black, but Dan and Aileen yelled so much at me telling me not to do it that I didn't. Also, he posted it on twitter and a lot of people told me not to do it. Dan said his parents actually liked my hair - they said that before. I didn't believe him, but still, I let it lavender.

The next day we all went to Dan's parents' house. It was a lovely place, almost as lovely as the people there. All Dan's family was extremely sweet and caring and I think they liked me. I especially liked his aunt Kate that had dark red hair and wouldn't stop telling horrible jokes, and her husband Jeremy, that was a quiet but really lovely man - in fact, we talked about vinyls for great part of the afternoon.

The three days that followed were spent the same way (and we also went to a zoo, and petted some adorable baby lions - needless to say Kyle and I were overly excited about it), until we had to go back to London. I actually had managed to write two songs out of five, and I was going to ask Lucy and Louis for help.

Arriving home, we parted ways. I went home, took a shower and headed to The 1975's place even though I was exhausted. 

And what I found there didn't help my mood improvement in any way. 

After about ten minutes of knocking (punching) on the door and ringing the doorbell, I gave up and decided to go inside by the window. I went over to the side of the house and gladly the window was unlocked; I threw my rucksack inside and then jumped through, falling with my bum on the ground as I did. 

I groaned in pain and heard annoying giggles. 

I opened my eyes and looked up; there stood a girl with the most ridiculous make up ever, a horrible fake smile plastered on her face and really short and tight clothes covering her slim body looking down at me. 

- Rebecca, come back here! - I heard Matt calling. 

- I think that girl is here. - The blonde said, looking back. 

- THANK GOD! - Lucy ran into the living room from the corridor as I got up.

- If you don't mind me asking, who are you? - I looked at the girl over Lucy's shoulder as she hugged me. 

- I am the girlfriend. - Rebecca grinned. 

- Whose girlfriend? - I raised an eyebrow. 

- Matty's. - She tilted her head to the side. - And who are you? - She emphasized 'you' with a disgusting tone. I wanted to slap her so badly.

- I am the mistress, I guess. - I chuckled. - But seriously, you are his girlfriend? - She smiled that overly sweet smile and nodded. I made a disgusted face and nodded to myself.

- What? - She asked, raising her eyebrows.

- Nothing. - I half-chuckled. - I just can't see Matthew choosing someone like you as a girlfriend. - I muttered as I walked over to the music room with Lucy. 

- I heard that. - I heard her heels clacking against the wooden living room floor behind me. 

- Good for you! - I smiled, looking back at her.

- He wrote a song with my name on it! - She yelled.

- Well, he has a tattoo with my name on it. - I grinned as I turned around to face her completely.

- But I am still the girlfriend! - She tapped her foot on the ground.

- GOOD FOR YOU, PIECE OF SHIT! - I yelled, already pissed off at this whore.

I mean, of course I'd be annoyed that the guy who said that he's in love with me (and that I am in love with) got a girlfriend, but she's making it even harder to like her - she's a complete whore, isn't she?

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