123: Mariner

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I cleaned the house, organized everything, finished unpacking, called a guy to install the tv and other electronic devices, went shopping, finished homework, payed the bills I had to, decorated my room the way I wanted with pretty photos and posters everywhere and took a shower. 

It all took me three hours and it was now 7:40pm. I was sitting on the chair in front of my desk, staring out at the city through the big wide glass windows.

I still didn't realize it was the last day of the year. The last day of 2013. 31st of December.

That was such a weird year.

Until October everything was normal; not fine, just normal. Same bullying, abuse and sadness as always.

And then... it all changed.

I still remember clearly the day Dan and I first met. He was just so adorable, smiling foolishly at me in that cafe. I remember blushing and looking down at my feet as I waited for my latte. And then... I went over to him. I still can't believe I actually went over to talk to a handsome man. I usually stay far away from handsome men and people in general. I don't know what was that, where did that bust of confidence came from, but I'm glad it did. I think it was because I thought he was familiar, I felt the need to go over and talk to him. Not just because he was cute or anything, but because he seemed interesting. A nice, sweet guy. 

And I was not wrong.

I was still lost on my thoughts about Dan and our first days together when my phone rang.

- Speaking of the devil... - I mumbled to myself, grinning. - Hey. - I smiled at the thought of just listening to his voice.

''Hello, dear.'' Dan sounded so posh, so serious.

- God, what's going on? - I giggled.

''What, I can't act serious?'' He said, muffling a chuckle and I laughed at his failed attempt.


Half an hour later Dan and I finally hung up. He had to go because his niece Aileen - the one who murdered my future kids by throwing a huge present on Dan's balls - was calling him to play. I couldn't let him say no, so I let him go. 

I was smiling to myself thinking about him as I walked around my beautiful apartment. I was distracted looking through the shelves filled with books when I heard someone clearing it's throat behind me. It scared the living shit out of me and I turned around slowly. Matt and his gang along with Louis and Lucy were there.

- Dan told us you would be a pain in the ass running away all the time. - Louis hissed.

- Oh my god stop being so fucking rude! - Lucy yelled. I swear to god I never thought I'd see her cursing. That made me chuckle at the worst time possible.

- What is so funny? - Adam asked.

- I'm sorry. - I muttered, turning serious again. - Why are you here? How did you even get here? 

- Your door was unlocked and you guys really need to decide the mixtape thing. - Matt said and I nodded quietly.

I was ready to make more questions and protest, but I figured it was better to just do what they say and end up that once and for all. Dan wouldn't be proud if he knew I just turned them down and gave up on the band so easily, so I had to at least try. 


I fiddled with my hair absentmindedly as I scribbled down some words on a random sheet while Lucy and Louis were tuning the instruments and getting ready to start playing.

This was after they dragged me out of my apartment, and we headed back to their place and started discussing the mixtape issue again.

Gladly this time we quickly settled on some pop idols, some famous rock bands and some weird indie shit we like. So it was that: some unforgettable successes and the great unknown creations we adored. 

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