I do?

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You woke up with the sound of your alarm and cursed, you were so tired...

You needed a second to accept everything that had happened the day before, slowly you started remembering everything. Yeah, you were getting married but there was something more important happening: your lessons.

You stood up, showered, got dressed and basically did everything you had to do to go to your first lesson, just before you exited the room a thought crossed your mind briefly: that was going to be a very, very long day.

Time skip

You got to your room and you were literally exhausted, your lessons today had been really hard and you had taken lots of notes. Yeah... way to much notes... You looked at the hour and saw it was 17:48 you had plenty of time to get ready. First of all you opened your closet and looked for something apropiate after searching you found a lovely pale blue dress you had seen and loved the first time you saw it, it was love at first sight. You put all your clothes on your bed and went to shower. You closed your eyes and let your body relax under the warm water, you washed your hair and your body, making sure you were absolutey clean. You exited the shower and dried your body, put body cream and started dressing. You dried your hair and made sure it was in his place. You did your make up, just a bit of blush, mascara and white eyeshadow. Finally you put some cologne and gloss to make your lips more desirable.

Once you were ready you looked at the hour and saw it was 18:58, you took your purse and put your mobile phone, wallet and keys in it. You looked at your room and ensured everything was in its place. You went to look at the hour again and saw 19:00 when you heard a knock on your door. You stood up and opened it.

"Good evening" a very handsome Mycroft Holmes said.

"Good evening Mycroft" you said smiling at him.

"You look amazing y/n"

"You too Mycroft, that suit looks very good in you. Do you want to come in or we leave already?"

"We can leave. I already know everything is on its place and ordered logically"

"Okay" you said laughing "Just let me get my purse, I'll be back in a second" you walked in the room grabbed your handbag and left locking the door behind you. "Well... anything you want to talk about?" you said as you grabbed the arm he was offering you.

"Well as a matter of fact... yes. This was meant to be a... date?... With just the two of us... but an unplanned fact has happened... kind of a business dinner was settled for tonight... and they just told me so if you don't want to come I'll perfectly understand it"

"And what do you want me to do?"


"Do you want me to come with you or would you be happier if I stood here?"

"Well I would prefer of course you coming with me. This dinners are usually terribly boring and I would like to have someone like you by my side"

"In that case I'll go with you" You said holding his arm again.

You walked out of the college with him by your side and it just felt right. It was weird, you just knew him but to walk with him just felt... right...

At some point you just arrived to a car and he opened your door for you. You walked in and he sat in the driver's side.

"I usually don't drive but I thought you would be more comfortable if there was nobody else."

"Yes, thank you" you said. There was an awkward silence then and you suddenly felt the urge to laugh. "It's just kind of funny you know, it appears we decided to starte everything the other way aroud. First marriage, then know each other."

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