So many things to do

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Every single day of the next week was exhausting. You didn't have time for anything, you did exams and studied, it was the only things that mattered then. The only happy moments you had were when you got a text or a phone call from Mycroft, that really made your day but he tried to not bother you too much knowing that you had to focus.

Luckily, eventually everything came to an end and you found yourself free of university, you were done with studying... it was almost unbeliavable you were full of happiness and weren't quite sure of how to react. You were pretty sure all your exams had gone pretty well and you loved the feeling of relief that had spread all over your body. You felt free and so much satisfaction you could die.

On Saturday after finsishing everything you introduced your mother to Mycroft's and planned things about the wedding together, you enjoyed it and smiled all the day, Sunday was a totally relax day, you spent the morning with Scott chatting and laughing and the afternoon doing random things, singing in front of the mirror, reading and drawing.

The week started again on Monday and you kept yourself busy with the wedding plans, you would have to leave your room on friday when you would move your stuff to Mycroft's home, it was just now when you were really realising you were actually going to leave with someone you had known barely two weeks ago. That wasn't very normal, but come on, Mycroft wasn't a normal person. You couldn't hold back a smile when you thought about him. You didn't really believe he felt the same way for you as you did for him. He was only trying to be as good as possible because you had to marry eachother.

You had never expected a lifelong marriage, you had accepted you would maybe marry some years after finishing univeristy, have children and get divorced. Cry, get depressed, get over it and somehow survive everything until your last day. But now you found yourself marrying someone who would never be able to get divorced from you. How funny.

You were busy every single day of the week with wedding stuff, cake, food, tables, priar... When on Thursday you recieved a call, and when you saw the number you were quite surprised.

"What do you need Sherlock?" you asked just before answering the phone.

"John is out on a date and I am not used to talk alone. Would you like to come over to Baker Street? Lestrade is coming in half an hour more o less"

"Has he called you?"

"No I deduced it"

"Brilliant" you said holding back a smirk. "So you want help solving a crime Sherlock?"

"I want someone who listents to my brilliant deductions" he answered.

"Fine. See you in fifteen minutes" You said just before hanging up. That was definitely going to be strange.

You readied yourself and left your room. Almost everything was in boxes and packed, you had spent a lot of time in that room, and you knew you would miss it when you left. After more o less ten minutes you got to Sherlock's flat and knocked. While you were doing so a man who was quite older than you positioned himself behind you. He had silvery hair and brown eyes he was rather handsome and you couldn't stop wondering who was he. You took a fast glance at him and noticed there was a bulge on one of his sides and you deduced he was carrying a gun so you thought he was the man Sherlock had mentioned before.

"Hello" You said smiling politely while waiting for someone to open the door.

"Hello miss. I'm Greg Lestrade."

"Nice to meet you sir. I'm y/n y/l/n. Are you here to see Sherlock?" you asked.

"Yes. I assume you are here to see John?" he asked you curiously. You bit your lip to hold back a giggle.

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