Rain and cold

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I just noticed the huge mistake I made and I feel like a fool. Mycroft always calls, he only sends texts when he has gone to the dentist... Well I'll try to fix it from now on... :'(

You had been walking with Mycroft's arm around your waist for about ten minutes. You weren't really counting the time you spent walking, you didn't really care. It sounded cheesy yeah, but let's face it, if you had to be forced to marry someone you were glad that someone was him.

You didn't know where you were going, to be honest you weren't able to imagine Mycroft in a restaurant where you weren't attended by a waiter dressed with suit and tie. He was too classy and graceful for a place like that, and you really appreciated that he was willing to go somewhere like that for you.

"It's being hard to have an average date with you Mycroft" you said. "But I'm not surprised, it's the British government we are speaking about"

"Who told you that?" he asked you furrowing  his brows. He looked cute doing that actually.

"A little bird" you said looking at him with a smirk in the corners of your lips.

"I see" he said containing his amusement. "Maybe I'll have to use the skills I have acquired all these years"

"Who knows, maybe you'll need new skills" you said smiling and looking forward.

"I'm sure I will think of something, darling" he said, and you blushed at his nickname for you, it wasn't the first time he called you something like that.

"Mycroft, I just realised something" you said trying to sound worried.

"What is it?" he asked worried due to the worry in your voice.

"You are always calling me darling, or dear... and I don't have a nickname for you... yet" you said.

"No, no, no" he said.

"Yes" you said smiling widely "Mr Busy is okay but I think I'll be able to make up something better than that." you said.

"I find nicknames quite exasperating, degrading and embarassing" he told you.

"Oh... but you do call me nicknames"

"Don't you like it?" he asked looking at you rising his right eyebrow.

"Maybe I do" you said getting away from him and putting in front of him walking backwards.

"What are you doing, dear?" he asked remarking the word dear.

"I am thinking about a nickname love." you said "And I'm walking backwards because it helps me thinking, and besides I know you are going to be embarassed if I keep walking like this for a long amount of time honey."

"And may I know why do you want me to be embarrassed?"

"First of all, I've just seen you embarrassed a couple of times while have blushed like a thousand times, and second, this is like a test I just want to see if I can trust you and for how long you are able to stand me being extremely childish. I hope you don't let me crash against a bin or a streetlight sweetheart." after that you could see him biting his lip to keep himself from smiling. "Besides, if you are the British Government, it shouldn't be that much of a trouble to look after a person who likes walking backwards" you said winking at him. He linked your arms with his and lead you across the street.

"As much as I like guiding you through London I'm afraid we should find somewhere to eat already, otherwise we will end up soaked" he said leading you towards a small café. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Not really" you answered.

"Are you sure?"


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