Wedding plans

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"I've been looking for some things that might be useful for the both of you. I thought we could maybe talk about the plans after dinner." Mycroft's mother said.

"That would be lovely Violet" you replied smiling.

You kept yourself busy peeling the potatoes until you were done and helped Violet with the rest of the chores. While the meal was getting ready Mycroft's mother and you settled the table and once everything was done you all sat to start eating the meal.

"So... When is the wedding?" Mycroft's father asked.

"In two weeks" Mycroft told him. You saw his father choke with his wine.

"He already told us darling" Violet told us.

"Yes, of course I forgot." His father said smiling shyly.

It was strange to see Mycroft's parents... They were so normal... so kind and nice... They both looked very happy together, and must have been together for a very long time... You really liked them, they were honest and though Violet asked you some weird and uncomfortable questions you couldn't help but to think that you would be glad to have her as you mother in law.

"And has she met Sherlock alredy?" Violet asked smiling just before taking a sip from her drink.

"Yes, I'm afraid she has" Mycroft answered for you.

"Oh... And how did it go?" his mother asked worriedly.

"It was... strange... but both of your sons are charming and special in their own way." you said smiling and looking at Mycroft.

"She managed to get him to like her somehow. In the first meeting. It was quite unbeleivable to be honest" Mycroft added.

"That's wonderful" his father said. "Sherlock is a quite special boy but his heart is good" he added.

"Of course he is" Mycroft said closing his eyes.

"And do you already know were is your wedding going to take place?" his mother asked.

"We've been searching..." Mycroft said "I will show it to you later. The wedding is taking place in Westminster Abbey next saturday at eleven o'clock. The invitations should arrive within two days... We don't want a big wedding just a small celebration with some friends and family.

"That's lovely" his mother told you both smiling widely.

The dinner went on smoothly, it was very nice to talk to Mycroft's parents, they were a lovely couple. You loved seeing the two of them together because they looked happy and still in love with each other after so many years. You did admire them.

When you all had finished your food you helped Mrs Holmes to clean everything. You washed the dishes and ensured everything was perfect before sitting back in the table. Mycroft's father left immediately after finishing his meal saying he was tired and that he needed to go to sleep. He excused himself and left towards his room. Mycroft took his briefcase and emptied it putting documents, pictures and fabric samples. It was quite funny to see a man like Mycroft empty his briefcase just to see that he has that kind of stuff in it.

Violet also opened a drawer and got some sheets of paper and lots of photographies from it. They both put all their things above the table and they started talking.

"We are celebrating the party after the ceremony here" Mycroft said showing you and his mother a picture of a beautiful place full of white and dark enough to make it cozy but not too much so that it was uncomfortable, it was just lovely.

"It's wonderful honey!" his mother told him excitedly.

"And I thought we could decorate the tables with pink roses, gardenias and lillies" he added showing you pictures of the flowers so that you could see how they looked together.

"They are beautiful" her mother said again. It was crystal clear how excited she was about her son's wedding. She had an amazing nature that made everyone fill with her own excitement, you could feel the happiness filling the room.

They both continued planning things with you helping in everything you could but unable to wipe the smile in your face away. You loved how he furrowed his brows when he was thinking or the way he smirked when he saw something he liked. You couldn't just stop staring at him. He was just way too handsome.

It felt like minutes, but when you realised it had been four hours since they had got to Violet's home. Mycroft felt a huge surprise when he checked his pocket watch and realised how much time had gone by. Days at his parents' usually were eternal and boring, but today with you and planning all the wedding things he didn't even realise how the time flew by.

"Mother... I'm afraid we need to leave already if we want to get home before tomorrow." Mycroft said.

"What time is it?" you asked checking your watch and widened your eyes when you saw it was two past ten.

"Oh dear God! Of course you need to leave already! It's very late!" she said guiding the both of you towards the door.

"I'm glad I got to meet you Violet. I hope we get to see each other soon" you said smiling.

"Mee too dear. I hope I can help you with something before the wedding" she said hugging you.

"Goodbye mother" Mycroft muttered just before being pulled in an awkward hug.

You both started walking outside and when you heard the door close you started talking.

"I think that went well..." you said sighing and enjoying the feeling of the cool air against your warm skin.

"Of course it did" Mycroft said smiling.

"Okay... I hope I don't need to meet anyone else who mustn't hate me because it's being very stressing.

"Oh love. Nobody would be able to hate you" he said just before stopping in his tracks and turning to face you. When you heard his voice you stopped and faced him too just before feeling a couple of arms wrap around your waist and pulling you to Mycroft. He kissed you softly and slowly. Your kisses with Mycroft were always like that, and they were so sweet they almost made you feel dizzy.

"What was that for?" You asked when you pulled apart feeling your cheeks blush madly.

"Third statment" he said just before turning around and starting walking and spinning his umbrella. You stopped yourself surprised and flattered for a moment just before hurrying yourself to follow him.

Okay so this was it! Sorry for the delay but I had to write it twice because the first one jsut disappeared. I am going to be needing your opinion for something. The chapter after the next chapter is going to be the wedding... I need to know if you want me to write smut for the wedding night and the honeymoon... I have never done it but just let me know what you want in the comments and I'll try to do my best!

Thank you!!! <3 :*

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