This shop...

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You oppened your eyes. Officialy you had less than 24 hours of freedom until you were married. Three weeks ago you didn't expect to find a boyfriend for some months, and now you were getting married... to the most amazing man in England yes but anyway... It wasn't the same to spend and afternoon with someone than to be entire days with him... alone... in a bedroom? You blushed at the line of thoughts you were following... Probably you would... But you had never... What would he think about you? What if he didn't like you in the end? You had grown quite fond of him now... You didn't want him to don't feel the same for you. You knew he wouldn't fall in love but you wanted him to like you at least.

You felt unsure about what would happen after your wedding... Mycroft had made some comments... but maybe he was just joking... when you thought of being alone with him one whole night... and then days... Oh God what were you going to do? Thinking of being with him made you get all tingly and wonder what would the two of you do... You dropped your head and pushed your face against the pillow groaning when your cell phone rang.

"Hello?" you asked still facing the pillow.

"Hello my love how are you feeling this morning?" a very familiar voice asked you.

"Tired" you said groaning and you heard him chuckle "What about you?" you asked turning around facing the ceiling.

"At work. Bored as usual"

"What are you going to do today?" you asked.

"Work. I am going to send some people later so that they pick up your things from your room and bring them... to my house. As long as it's okay with you" he said hesitating.


"What are you going to do?"

"Undress. Shower. Dress. Get ready. Go to get some things I still need. Ensure everything is packed, wait for your men and suffer the torture of the Bachelorette party some of my friends thought would be entertaining."

"Sounds great."

"Rather miserable in fact" and he laughed at your words. "I wish I could just stay in bed sleeping the all day."

"I wish I could stay sleeping with you all day too." he said and your breath hitched in your throat as you blushed madly. "And I wish I was there to see you blushing right now too."

"Mycroft..." you complained.

"Sorry love. I need to leave now, duty calls."

"Nevermind. See you later... On purpose I'm afraid someone has set up a torture for you too. I hope you have a great time tonight." you said laughing and hanged up while Mycroft said something like: "What's that supposed to mean."

You forced yourself to get your ass out of bed, which was quite hard to be honest, you showered and got ready for your last day as a single woman. You texted Scott asking him to meet you later because you needed help with something. And finished packing everything you hadn't had enough time to pack. When you were done you just gave yourself sometime to admire the room. It wasn't THAT special, but you had gone through so many things in that room... specially studying but your dream had come true in there too. You had managed to do what you always had wanted to do and it made you want to scream... In the last week you had kept yourself busy with all the plans but now you hadn't anything to do... and you were too stressed out to with the idea of marriage...

You didn't know for how long you had been deep in thought when a knock on the door startled you, you opened the door and found Scott smiling brightly at you.

"OH THE MARRIED WOMAN!" he screamed and you gestured at him so that he would shut up. "THE YOUNG AND INNOCENT FRIEND BECOMES A WILD CRAZY WOMAN AND MARRIES" he continued and you forced him to get in your room.

"Fuck Scott" you said unable to contain your laughter.

"How was it?" he asked.

"How was what?" you asked him confused.

"Your first night with wild sex" he said sniggering.

"Fuck Scott we haven't" but he cut you off.

"What do you mean? For God's sake! Virgin until marriage!?!?!" he asked. You rolled your eyes at him.

"That's what I needed you. As you know I'm not really experienced in the subject... and I was wondering..."

"Am I going to be the one who will have to give you "the talk"?"

"God! No! I wanted you to... come with me to a shop... and help me choose something for tomorrow..."

"Don't tell me you don't have the dress yet!" he said alarmed.

"I meant something for tomorrow night, Scott."

"So you are living an awesome experience tomorrow night?" he asked wiggling his brows.

"Scott... you have no idea of how embarassing it is for me to ask you for this..."

"Hey it's alright" he said laughing. "I'll be pleased to help you. Do we leave?"

"Yup" you said standing up fastly

I wrote over 4 thousand words in here. They just disappeared. I'm so full of wattpad. I will finish this tomorrow again. But sorry I can't right now. I will die if I don't go to sleep. I'm sorry

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