WET (not the way you think. Well maybe that way too)

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You woke up to the sound of an engine and it took you a few seconds to realise where you were. You moved trying to awake your body when you felt discomfort between your legs and supressed a yawn and a groan, you blinked  a few times and looked at your left.

"Did you sleep well, my dear?" Mycroft's voice asked while he put a lock of hair behind your ear.

"Would've been better if I slept longer" you said lazily resting your head against his shoulder again when you heard him chuckle.

"Well we have already landed so whenever you want" you groaned and stood up, the discomfort increasing significantly. Mycroft stood up just after you and you followed him towards the exit of the plane. You hadn't seen a single person with you in the plane. When you left the airplane you sighed happily when you felt warm air against your skin and the sun above your head. "Can I know where we are now?"

"We are in Spain dear. I had a hard time choosing, but I assumed that as it was our honeymoon, not holidays we wouldn't really want to be making tourism" you bit your lip to hold back your smile, trying to ignore the implications of his words.

"And what do you plan on doing these seven days Mr Holmes?" you asked playfully.

"I don't know I thought about really enjoying our bedroom and ensuring the bed is resistant to movement" he answered and you were pretty sure you were blushing at his words. You avoided his gaze and followed him into a car.

"In what part of Spain are we? Andalusia? Madrid? Extremadura?" you asked curiously.

"We will be in a city at forty minutes of Barcelona named Calella. It's very touristic, or so I have been told. It has a beach." he said as he opened the door for you and you sat in the middle seat.

"Sounds pretty interesting. How do you do with swimming Mycroft?" you asked teasingly.

"Just fine" he answered fastly.

"Of course. It's the perfect Bristish Government after all" you said rolling your eyes.

"Very funny"

"It is. Isn't it?" you asked smirking. "I think I should become an humorist" you said trying to sound serious.

"If all your jokes are as brilliant as that one I'm afraid you'll have trouble finding a job" he told you.

"I love you too" you said ironically. He chuckled and kissed your forehead. "Yes kiss me now Mycroft, you already broke my heart" you added dramatically.

"We'll have to fix that then" he said intertwining his fingers with yours as you laid your head on his shoulder.

After almost an hour the car stopped just before a quite big hotel. It was white and had, as far as you could see, lots of rooms. There was a fountain in the entrance and big glass doors. You wanted to carry your suitcase yourself, but "It wasn't appropiate for a woman of your position to carry her own luggage" you just shot him a death glare.

When you arrived to the reservation desk you were quite surprised when you saw they didn't speak english.

"Hola. Bienvenidos. ¿En qué puedo ayudarles?" (Hello. Welcome. What can I help you with?) a short, thin brunette woman asked you.

"Tenemos una reserva" (We have a reservation) Mycroft answered with thick accent and you supressed a smile.

"¿A qué nombre?" (At whose name?)

"Mycroft Holmes"

The woman started searching, and eventually he found it.

"¿Reserva para dos personas me equivoco?" (Reservation for two people. Am I wrong?)

"Así es" (Yes) You answered this time. You didn't want to be presumptuous, but you thought your spanish was better than Mycroft's.

"Muy bien. Tienen la habitación 125. Aquí tienen sus tarjetas de la habitación. Está en el segundo piso. El restaurante está a mano izquierda y la cafetería en el primer piso." (Alright. You have the room number 125. Here are your room cards. It's in the second floor. The restaurant is turning to the left and the cafeteria in the first floor.) the woman said.

"Muchas gracias" you said smiling brightly.

"El desayuno es de ocho a doce. La comida de doce a tres y la cena de seis a diez" (Breakfast is from eight to twelve, lunch from twelve to three and dinner from six to ten)

After you said goodbye, you headed towards the room. You took the elevator, went to the second floor and reached your room. It was a big room. With white sheets and red curtains. The bed was really big and there was a desk in front of it. Above the desk a TV and at the right a door you assumed lead to the toilet. Your suitcases were already there and you felt heat rise to your cheeks when you wondered what would the two of you doing now.

Sorry for this being SO short, but I wanted to upload something today <3 I had time to write this.

I hope you like it <3 <3 <3


Love youuuu <3

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