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You walked in the building with Mycorft's arm around your waist. You were really nervous, you didn't want to mess up, you had to be polite, kind and you really wanted Mycroft's friends to like you.

Mycroft lead you along a corridor and finally he arrived to a door and knocked.

A rather old man opened the door. He was wearing a black suit with a tie of the same colour and a woman around his age was standing just by him. She was wearing a pink long dress that suited her light skin and made her look way younger that what she in fact was.

"Goodnight" she said smiling widely.

"Goodnight" Mycroft answered politely.

"May I ask who is this lovely young girl?" The man asked curiously.

"She is my fiancée" Mycroft said.

"Oh Mycroft are you finally going to settle?" The woman asked.

"Well this girl made me change."

"How do you do?" you said smiling as politely as you could.

"It's a pleasure to meet the girl who has managed Mr Holmes to change his mind" the man said and you laughed.

"My pleasure" you said.

"Where are our manners? Please come in!" the old lady told you.

You smiled and followed them as Mycroft stood near to you. You walked in a tastefully decored room where about eight people stood chatting excitedly.

You followed the old couple towards the group of people and forced a smile to your face. You were going to do your best to give them a good impression. Slowly, the different couples approached you and introduced themselves and somehow you managed to remember all their names. Every single person in there was exquisitely dressed and had impecable manners. After a while the first woman you had met invited you all to sit and you found yourself between Mycroft and Mr Richards. Everybody was talking and you kept yourself busy answering to questions different people threw at you now and then.

At some point some waiters served the dinner and you felt Mycroft's hand softly caress yours, instantly you looked at him and he smiled at you intertwining his fingers with yours. You felt yourself blush. His touch warmed your heart in a weird way  and you just tried to keep answering to people's questions.

"You both make such a lovely couple" Miss Loveday said smiling kindly towards you.

"Well it's difficult to look lovely when you all are here. You all are such a lovely group of people..." you said smiling and looking at all of them.

"Well well well... now tell us your secret Mycroft.. where did you find such a lovely young lady?" Mr Easton said laughing.

"Well... as a matter of fact."

"It was everything thanks to my clumsiness" you said laughing slightly.

The rest of the night went by smoothly and you just kept talking to everyone, specially Miss Janson, a very kind ginger woman who wore a short black dress. You found her very beautiful and she was around your age what you found curious.
Little by little some women started to leave the party and only the men stood there.

"Well Mr Holmes I wold like to have a word with you." Mr Pedersen said.

"It was a pleasure meeting you all." you said understanding his request. "I'll wait for you outside" you said kissing his cheek to make everything more believable.

You smiled gently at everybody and left the room, you exited the building and sat on a bench near to the car, under a streetlight, you could barely see the stars but the cool night air helped you to relax. You had been worried all the night and now you felt very relieved. You just got lost in thought and you didn't even notice when Mycroft sat next to you.

"I have no idea of how you did that" he said very serious and you started to feel anxious.

"What did I do?" you said very worried.

"I don't know but every single attendant is in love with you." you sighed and relaxed again. "Women didn't stop talking about how lovely you were and the men were just delighted by your manners. I don't even know how you did it but they completely believed we have been together for quite a long time"

"Well I'm glad everything went well."

"You were amazing tonight" he said looking at you and you just stared at his eyes. You felt your face heat and your cheeks blush.

"You also made them believe it Mycroft"

"No, I was way to nervous about what they would ask. But you were... relaxed. It took a month to make them like me. You made them love you in one night"

"Luck. Probably they didn't even like me, they were just being polite."

"Oh darling... this kind of people say what they think... if they didn't like you they would have told me."

"Well then... one of our worried gone" you said smiling.

"Do you want me to take you back to college?"

"As you wish Mycroft"he took your hand and led you towards the car. He opened your door and some time after he sat in his seat. He started driving and you just looked outside the window. Feeling proud of yourself for once. You had done it right. After sometime you recognised your college's building and the car stopped. You got out of the car and Mycroft followed you closely.

"You don't need to escort me. I can protect myself."

"I know, I just want to"

At some point you got to your room and leaned against the door.

"I would invite you, but I already know you aren't accepting my offer so I guess this is a goodbye." you said.

"Can I see you tomorrow again?"

"Wow Mr Busy isn't so busy lately is he?" you said laughing.

"Well I have to get to know my future wife haven't I?" You smiled at his words and had to control yourself to not say something inapropiate. "Goodnight y/n"

"Goodnight Mycroft" you said as you pressed your lips against his cheek and he closed his eyes, though you didn't notice it. You forced yourself to get away from him and walk in your room just before saying. "See you tomorrow"

Once you got in your room you noticed how tired you really were. You got yourself ready to go to sleep and just before switching the light off you realised you had a message in your phone.

I really enjoyed being with you tonight and I'm glad they chose you and that you agreed to this. If you knew me from before you would know I'm not usually like this and nobody would recognise me if they saw me now. I hope you have sweet sweet dreams.

See you tomorrow at five o'clock, I'll pick you up.


You smiled to yourself when you read it and texted:

I'm glad too Mr Busy. I hope you have a Goodnight.

See you tomorrow.


After that you immediately fell asleep.

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