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"I'm tiiiiired" you sang as you dropped yourself on the bed and Mycroft chuckled.

"You slept all the way here." he said smirking.

"It's your fault that I'm tired" you said pouting while you rolled on the bed so that you were facing him.

"You just want to sleep then?" he said quirking his eyebrow and trying to hide his smirk. You narrowed your eyes at him and rolled on the bed to show him your back.

"Yes" you said trying to sound angry.

"What a shame" he said and you felt the bed move behind you as you felt an arm wrap around your waist.

"Mycroft stop" you warned him. You were trying to be angry come on. Why did he have to make it so difficult?

"Stop what?" he asked just before his lips started to kiss your neck. You bit your lip, you weren't going to moan. No way.

"Mycroft for God's sake" you complained trying to move away from him, but he just tightened his grip around you.

"I think" he said before kissing your collarbone. "We should" he kissed your neck. "Go to the beach first" kiss on your jawline. "Then we can come back here" kiss on your cheek. "And solve the problem between your legs."  He said as he forced you to turn around and pressed his lips to yours. You tried to play it hard and pushed him away, but it was no use, he didn't move an inch and after some seconds more of struggling you finally moaned and wrapped your arms around his body. You put your legs around his waist softly and brushed your hips against his. He groaned and loosened his grip on you. You smirked and moved away from him jumping out of the bed.

"The beach sounds like a plan" you said trying your best to hide your amusement. You saw him narrow his eyes at you as he stood up gracefully and made his way to the bathroom. When he turned around you smirked and held back a giggle.

"Don't think you will go away with that that easily darling. You'll get your punishment later" he said before getting his swimsuit and closing the bathroom's door behind him.

You thought about what he just said. You hoped you were thinking about the same kind of punishment... You went towards your suitcase and got your swimsuit. You put it on and covered yourself with a dress. You sat back on the bed waiting for Mycroft to leave the toilet. About a minute later he left and glared at you. You blinked innocently and stood up from the bed.

"Mycroft... Thank you for everything" you say walking to him. "Really, you didn't have to do all this" you say as you stroke his cheek.

"It's my pleasure to spend a week with the woman I love" he said looking at you in the eye.

"Mycroft..." you start. "Do you really love me? You don't have to pretend if you don't it's just"

"I do. I never thought I would say this but I do love you. I love your looks, your way of thinking, your sense of humor, your inteligence and your kindness. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met and I hope you feel the same way I do because I plan making love to you the whole week. Everyday and when we go back home too, you have made me change and I'm afraid you'll have to cope with that from now on" you didn't wait anymore and stood on your tiptoes to press your lips against his. His right hand cupped your cheek and his left one wrapped around your waist, pressing you against him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and moaned when you felt his teeth against your bottom lip. The both of you couldn't be closer, you were against him and there wasn't any space between you both. You lost yourself in the kiss and closed your eyes until the both of you had to pull apart to breathe.

"I love you too" you said panting.

"That doesn't mean you are free from your punishment." he said brushing your hair off your face.

"I wouldn't dream of it" you answered smiling up at him.

Hello! Sorry for taking so long to update but I went on holiday and couldn't use my laptop :'(

Sorry this is so short but from now on I will have to choose between uploading short chapters usually or long ones once a week or something like that. I think I prefer to write shorter ones so that you can read new chapters more often. I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO HIGHSCHOOL :'-(


Thanks for reading <3

Love youuuu <3 <3 <3 :*

PD: If you want me to write an scpecific chapter tell me and I'll do my best to write it <3

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