Chapter 4

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“See? You need to work on your descriptions, Jeremy. I really love your story line, but yeah, the descriptions ….”

“Are not even descriptions in the right sense,” added Jeremy.

“Something like that. But don’t worry. You’ll get ‘em right.”

Jeremy nodded his head and sighed. It’s already been two hours, he thought. Does my writing suck that much?

Meredith saw the frustration in his face.

“If it helps,” she said, standing up, “my first book didn’t do that well.”

“You’re kidding. You write so damn well. How can your book not do well?”

“Because that’s just how it is when you first publish a book, Jeremy. So you’ve got nothing to worry about. What you’re experiencing has been experienced by every author. Relax, sweetie. You’ll do great.”

Jeremy smiled.

“You’re really confident about me, aren’t ya?”

“Oh why, yes of course! Who wouldn’t be?”

Jeremy stood up.

“What do you mean?”

Meredith laughed.

“You’re so cute. No one could say no to you!”

“Wait a minute. Are ya trying to hit on me?” said Jeremy, making a surprised expression and putting it on like girls do, with their hand on their mouth.

Meredith laughed again.

“Now, that would be wrong, wouldn’t it?”

“Let me think. Editor falls for client. Yep, wrong.”

“I'm sorry if you took that the wrong way. It's just that I feel like I've known you for a long time. I'm pretty dure I sound deranged or something, but it's just weird."

Jeremy simply looked at Meredith. The wind blowing in from the window was brushing past her hair, revealing how long it actually was. The smile on her face added a sort of spark to her personality.

"There you go again. Admiring me!"

“Well, now that you’re trying to hit on me, wouldn’t harm to stare at you, would it?”

The two laughed as Sue entered the room.

“Sue! How nice of you to join us!” exclaimed Meredith.

“The honour is mine, Meredith. I was just checking if the wimp was fine. Did he faint at least once?”

Meredith shook her head.

“Nope. He managed to keep up, actually.”

“I’m surprised. Now, Jeremy. Tell me. What is your secret?” said Sue, standing next to him.

“It wouldn’t be a secret anymore if I told you.”

“Bull,” she said, hitting Jeremy playfully with her elbow.

“Still not telling you. Do whatever you want.”

“Even after my death stare?” said Sue, glaring at Jeremy.

Jeremy glared back.

“Bring it on, woman.”

Meredith was laughing now.

“You two are really funny, you know that? How long have you known each other?”

“Ten years, I guess,” replied Jeremy.

Yours Lovingly, Mer(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now