Yours Lovingly, Mer

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[NOTE: This is the new prologue of the story, and most of the comments below (to be specific, the comment by @IssyBellaLewis and everyone who commented before her) are for the previous one. I hope you like this one =D]

Dear daddy,

Mum's here. I've been telling her that I'll be okay on my own, but she doesn't wanna listen to me. I know it's been five years. I know I'm wasting my life. But I also know that I'll somehow find my way through. She doesn't have to worry herself so much. I just think I'm so self centred and stupid. Mum's already done enough for me. She wasted her life trying to keep me happy. I don't want her doing that anymore, daddy. It's time she does something for herself for once. Then again, she won't even listen to what I have to say ....

Sometimes, I feel like going and yelling at her to just go back home and do something for herself. But I know mum, and she'll definitely break down. And I can't have that. I can't upset people anymore. That's why I've decided to change my outlook completely. I know I've been saying the same thing for ages, but this time I promise, I will change for the better. I will get over him. I will not let him ruin my life. I will fight back, daddy. For you, for mum, for my little brother. But most importantly, I will fight for myself.

Yours lovingly,


The sound of her mother's voice screaming for her jolted Meredith from her near state of trance. She turned around aimlessly till her eyes rested on her brother's, who was looking at her with a weird expression on his face.

"What're you looking at?" she snapped.

"Mum's gonna go nuts if you don't come out right now."

"Oh. Okay. Yeah, I'm coming."

The siblings walked into the drawing room together, only to see that their mother had spread out all the photographs of their family had ever taken.

"Mum, you okay?"

"I'm perfect, honey. Now, sit down. We have work."

Michael groaned.

"Come on mum! I mean, didn't we decide not to make the poster or book or whatever it is that we're making?"

"Michael," Mum said with a grim expression, "we're doing this. Help us, please."

The boy helplessly nodded his head and sat down beside his sister. Almost two hours into work, Mer got up all of a sudden.

"Mum, it's time. I gotta go," she said, pointing at the clock.

"Alright. Be careful. I though Betty would be coming with you."

"She'll join me."


Michael looked at his sister with concern.

"Sis, when are you gonna stop this?"

Mum glared at him reproachingly.

"Just saying," Michael replied, taking a few steps back.

"Soon, Mike. I'm gonna stop this madness soon, I promise."

Michael smiled.

"That's my sister."

Meredith went into her room and closed the door. She put on a bridal gown; but instead of being pure white, it had dark red stains in a few places. There were a few small drops on the sides just below her waist; suggesting that she must have clutched her dress in shock with bloodied hands. A considerably big stain was on the part that covered her stomach. She looked at them for a while before heading out. Her smile had turned upside down now. She looked more depressed than ever. Her pretty face shown the expression of disappointment. An expression you get after you're tired of waiting all your life for someone who you know will never come. She walked out of her silently, and even went across the drawing room to the main door without disturbing her family.

"Okay, Betty. Let's go," Meredith said, getting into the car.

"Okay then."

Betty's car zoomed ahead into the distance as Meredith looked into the rear view mirror.

Yours Lovingly, Mer(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now