Chapter 11

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[A/N: I apologize for the short chapter and late update! I promise I will be regular after this. Also, if you do get confused, please go and check out the earlier chapters. I've made slight changes. Thank you for your support and love!]

The story is continuing in the present time, it is no more a flashback of the day.

Meredith sat quietly on her hospital bed, with her head tilted towards her left as her eyes were intently looking out of the window. Her hand, or rather the part just below her wrist was bandaged with cotton rolls and surgical tape stuck in a few places. There was a small red spot in the middle, and Meredith winced every time it would press a little too much against her body. Her hair was strewn messily over the pillow, and she didn’t make a single effort to straighten it. In fact, it was almost as if she didn’t care.

The door opened slowly after a few moments, revealing a worried Michael.

“Sis? You okay? Jeremy’s here.”

Meredith slowly lifted her head a little and smiled at Michael, “I’m okay. I’ll talk to him,” she replied, breathing in sharply, “now.”

“Alright. Just remember what the doc said. Don’t act too brave, Mer.”

“Got it.”

Michael nodded his head and closed the door softly. He turned around to look at a worried Jeremy, who was standing with his back against the wall.


“She said she’ll talk to you. But don’t forget, whatever you say, don’t talk about the past. I’m not too sure why she tried to cut herself yet, okay? Just because she did this before doesn’t mean she’s gone crazy. You do understand what I’m saying, right Jeremy?”

“Yeah, don’t worry. I know what to say kid,” replied Jeremy, as he patted Michael on the head playfully, “you’re a good brother.”

“Geez, don’t smother me. Just be careful, that’s all. We don’t want anything repeating,” said Michael with his eyes wide open, “especially what happened years ago.”

“Like I said before, I will be careful.”

Michael walked away towards the reception as Jeremy approached the door hesitantly.

Taking a deep breath in, he reminded himself that it was only Meredith. She wasn’t new to him.

He opened the door and walked slowly towards the chair placed next to Meredith’s bed. He sat down and smiled at Meredith, who was now smiling a little more.

“Hey there. I heard you tried doing something really brave.”

“Why is everyone saying that? I just … it was an accident,” replied Meredith, with an exhausted expression.

“Mer, you know that we, of all people, will not believe you when you say that it was an accident. C’mon, I know we’ve known each other only a few months, but you can trust me. Tell me what happened. Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, Jeremy. I promise. It was just an accident. There is really no need to make it this big. I’m fine. Just you see. I’ll be out of here soon.”

“Well, the doctor thinks otherwise. He told Michael that judging by your wounds, they were self inflicted. I’m not trying to push you, okay? Just talk to someone. Anyone.”

Meredith let out a nervous laugh.

“I’m not crazy, Jeremy. I don’t need professional help.”

Jeremy shook his head lightly and took Meredith’s hand in his.

“That was not what I was trying to imply. I just said that you should talk to a friend. Someone who’d understand you. You want to talk to Sue? I promise she’ll sit and listen. You’ll be surprised at how long she can actually keep her mouth shut.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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