Ex Is Back (23)

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Chapter 23

*Ciara's POV*

The following evening, I sit at the kitchen table picking at my split ends. I'm in terrible need of a haircut, but it's not like I'm going to ask Harry or Louis to take me for one or anything.

"What are you going to do today?" Louis asks me curiously with an eyebrow raised. I bring my attention to him, that's the only thing I've heard him say all day. Louis has been very quiet lately, even Harry is questioning his silence.

"Um, what I normally do, I guess. Stay here and wonder why my life hasn't taken off yet." I joke, though it's sadly true. I knock my knuckles on the wooden table, the texture is smooth and cold. He sits down across from me, a bottle of soda in his hands.

He takes a sip, nodding. "Maybe you should spend some time with your friend, Jordan right?" He offers. I give him a long, knowing look. Why in the world was Louis try to push me to go to my friend's house? Was he getting sick of Mason and I or something?

"Yeah, Jordan." I reply.

"Thought so. You should go to her house, you're probably sick of us by now. When was the last time you seen her anyways?" He inquires, but I could tell he already knew the answer.

"Like,five days ago," I say uneasily. Louis looks guilty, but also inviting, somehow.

"Well if you want a ride, you can ask me or Harry." He offers with a big grin. I give one back, but a more shy and uncertain one.

"To where?" Harry pops into the room, joining in on our conversation. Mason's locked in his arms, his head resting on Harry's firm chest.

"Jordan's," Louis and I answer mutually.

"Are you thinking about going there?" He asks, his focus on the now open fridge as he searches for something to eat.

"Louis sort of suggested it," I shrug.

"Ah, over your little mime act, huh Lou?" Harry teases while messing up Louis' hair. Louis repels, flipping his hair back to the way it was before.

Harry sits down in the seat next to me, a container of freshly picked strawberries and raspberries set out. Harry, Mason and I had picked them earlier today, somehow it turned into a giant fruit fight, though. I take out a raspberry and begin to nibble on it, trying to find out Louis' purpose for wanting me to go to Jordan's.

Nothing sparks in my mind. Nothing sticks out more than it should have. Louis has been acting strange lately; no doubt about it. But this? What does it mean? Maybe I'm just overreacting but, I have an indescribable feeling in my gut that I can't simply shake off.

I feel a warm presence on my thigh, I look down to find Harry's hand gripping tightly on it. "You okay?" He whispers, giving me an assuring squeeze. I stare at him for a moment, then I look at Louis. His eyes are burning into mine, I quickly look back towards Harry.

"Yeah." I force a smiled, even though I'm shaken up a bit. While I smile at Harry, I can still feel Louis' eyes on me. I try my hardest to focus my attention on something else.

A sudden knock springs through the room, I jump a slight bit at the noise. Harry's hand is still in the same position, he gives me another quick squeeze before shooting Louis a glance. "I don't know who that would be. Did you invite anyone?" Harry asks, his voice low so whoever was at the door couldn't hear.

"No, I'll go see," Louis offers, his chair scraping against the floor as he gets up.

My heart is thundering, my palms are beginning to noticeably increase in thick sweat. I go to wipe them off on my shirt, but it did no good. I'm so nervous that Mike could be outside the door right at this moment. He could have planned on taking Mason and I back from the start, he could have been plotting up a plan the entire time we've been gone. He could have been plotting up a murder.

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