First Times (32)

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Chapter 32

*Ciara's POV*

I have to say, it's weird seeing how Harry acts in front of other people. Normally around me or Louis, he acts like himself. But around strangers, like Jordan's parents, he acts like a new person. His flirtatious side is no where in sight and he just acts like he's a total gentleman.

"Where are you going to school, sweetheart?" Mrs. Renold asks him innocently. I exchange an amused glance with Jordan, we know how this is going to play out. Neither Jordan or I had warned her that Harry was some famous guy, but I'm sure Harry would straighten things up.

"I'm not in school, actually." He confirms and takes a bite of his meal, which is chicken Parmesan.

"Then what do you do?" Mr. Renold asks, sternly.

"I sing." He smiles. "I'm in a popular band."

"What is your band called?" Mrs. Renold seems interested in what Harry has to say. From all my years of knowing these two, I know that they are polar opposites. Mrs. Renold is a happy spirit and always looking on the positive side, while Mr. Renold is the half empty glass kind of guy. When you get to know them both though, you learn to love them equally.

"One Direction."

Mrs. Renold nods her head, "that's a nice thing to get involved with!"

I can tell Harry gets tired of living his "exhausting life," as he calls it, so this dinner was probably a break from all of the publicity he encounters. "The dinner was delicious, thank you so much." Harry says so formally I can't even believe he had said it. I would love to see how he'd act if he ever met my parents, I doubt he ever will though.

"It's my pleasure. You seem like a wonderful young man, and a wonderful father." She beams and my insides drop. Using the words young man and father in the same sentence just don't fit. Now I know why Harry is doing so much to keep this out of the press, and to think I just blew his secret in to his body guard like nothing was a horrible thing for me to do. I wonder how much Louis and Harry had to do to keep his mouth shut.

"I'm trying, really. I'm trying." He looks over to Mason who's sitting in my lap, a smile immediately abrupts on his small face once he notices the attention Harry is giving him. I never would have guessed that they would have gotten along so great in the beginning, but I was wrong. Horribly wrong.

"I think we're going to go watch a movie in the den," Jordan suggests and begins to clear off her plate.

"You don't have to do that. Go ahead. I'll take care of the dishes tonight." Mrs. Renold smiles and starts to gather up the dishes on the table. We all thank her again for the meal and head off into the other part of the house where the den is located. Immediately, Harry brings up the night of the car chase.

"So, what happened?"

I groan. "Can't we pick out a movie first, why get into it so soon?" I sit down on the couch and set Mason down beside me. I grab a soft, fluffy blanket and envelope our bodies in the comfortable fabric instantly.

"What happened, Ciara?" Harry repeats.

Before I start, I think up a proposition. "You have to promise not to get angry with me, deal?"

"It's that bad?" He seems surprised.

"Kind of," I answer, because I knew it was.

"Fine." Harry finally says.

"You know how I said we were going to have a girls night out?" I ask and look over to Jordan. She looks just as guilty as I do. Shoulders slouched and eyes remaining off of Harry, we were both equally as guilty, but it was her wicked idea.

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