Chapter 6 ~ The Vampire Brother's

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As he got me pinned to the wall i felt his cold tongue slide up my neck in which i began to shudder all he was smirk at me then opening his mouth revealing his fangs he slowly bit into my neck i screamed in pain as he grip tightens around my wrist i began to struggle and tried to call for help but no sound came out of my mouth i tried to bear the pain as he kept on drinking i started to feel dizzy and weak all of a sudden i passed out. A Few hours later i woke up looking around i noticed that i was laying in on a sofa in this beatufiul living room i had a cover and a cloth on my forehead as i sat up i held my head until i noticed a tall Teenage boy wearing smart clothes he has brownish dark hair and his eyes were purple he also wore white gloves also leather laced shoes he walked over then kneeled beside me smiling softly "are you okay" he asked me in his soft voice i blinked then nodded as i looked around i noticed the boy was sitting in the couch with his arms crossed and with his eyes closed then i noticed a little boy holding a Teddy bear he was dressed up smart as well but his hair was jet black and his eyes were green somehow he made me feel calm i smiled at him he hid behind the other boy i wonder if i upsetted him The older boy chuckled and patted my head "he is a little bit shy and you must be hungry" i blushed then  nodded the boy smiled getting up he walked into the kitchen as for the little boy he stood there staring at me then to my surprisement he climbed onto my lap then snuggled into my holding is teddy close to him i smiled and blushed at the same time then i wrapped my arms around him he smiled a little "awww isn't that sweet" a voice said i looked around wondering where it came from then a Teenage boy wearing a white shirt and brown pants wearing black socks and white trainers with blonde hair and green eyes he smirked at me and licked his lips revealing his fangs my eyes widen which began to make me feel scared all of sudden he got me pinned down the little boy pushed the Vampire off me and growled "DO NOT HURT SISTER BROTHER!!!" he yelled i remained quiet and looked at the small boy.

All of a sudden another boy wearing different clothing but he had Light Brown hair and green eyes was shaking his head and he sighed "honestly Kyo there you go going beserk when we have someone new" he said to his brother Kyo looked at him "whatever man just as long as i get some blood and Kira you are too young to understand" he said patting his head while Kira pouted the stayed closed to me, I was quiet and confused wondering what they were talking about until i saw the boy who saved me from before came inside the living room smiling softly at me, "ah i see you are awake and i am glad to see you again" he said smiling at me. I blushed deeply then looked at the two boys,Kira, the one who drank my blood the other one then looked at Kaji "what are you guys" i said a bit nervous but curious "we are Vampires my name is Kaji, this is Sebastian those two over there is Kyo and Ryo the one sulking is Zakura and that little boy there on your lap is Kira our youngest" he said introducing himself and his brothers i remained silent then Sebastian walked over and kissed my neck i went so red then i noticed where the bite mark was gone i was completely surprised and thanked him Sebastian smiled then hugged her tightly while Zakura,Ryo and Kyo rolled their eyes Kaji joined the hug so did Kira i didn't know why but i ended hugging them back until my pendant began to work everyone looked at him then remained quiet i looked at them then asked why did it glow everyone looked at each other until Kyo using his power made me tired i laid down and closed my eyes falling back to sleep "we better return her home don't you think" said Ryo, Zakura got up and walked over then picked me up into his arms and vanished with me reappearing in my bedroom he placed me on the bed then vanished and reappeared back in the mansion, then sat down on the sofa Kira yanwed and snuggled up in the cover falling asleep everyone smiled a bit Sebastian walked over picking up Kira he carried him upstairs then into Kaji's room since he shared a room with Kaji and placed him down on his bed covering him kissing his forehead he vanished reappearing downstairs sitting on the sofa sighing as everyone was silent. 

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