Chapter 13 ~ The lord of Vampires

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As the match between Ayato and Kaji began as Ayato went up first then threw one of the darts which hit a 30 on the board Ayato smirked at Kaji i watched quietly still having Laito's arms around me so i couldn't escape plus my hands were tied together as i watched Kaji Sebastian and the others cheered when he stepped in Ayato's spot but i continued to remain quiet as Ayato was sitting on the snooker table watching with a cold stare as Kaji once took his shot scoring higher then Ayato Sebastian and the others cheered but Ayato scoffed and took his place once again. A hour has gone by once the dart match was over and the snooker match between Laito and Ryo while others watched the score between the two was a draw but in the end Ryo delievered the last one final shot and he won i smiled at Ryo who smiled back at me "Looks like you have won fair and square so you can have her back" Ayato said with a bit of a annoyance in his voice as he walked over to me then grabbed my wrist pulling me up he began to untie my hands once they were done i ran to the brothers and hugged them tightly as so they did the Sakamaki brother's watched then they started to leave the room i ran up to Ayato and grabbed his arm he stopped then turned around to look at me i gently and softly kissed him on the lips then broke it as i giggled on how he blushed deeply "Tch what are you trying to do Chichinashi trying to seduce me or what?" he said with a smirk on his face but i continued to smile at him then hugged him tightly for the last time then me,Kaji and the others headed out of the game room heading to the front door but then i began to recieve this pain i fell to my knees grabbing my chest as my amulet began to glow Kaji and the others ran to me then kneeled beside me "what is wrong Scarlet?" i couldn't answer back because i was in so much until a voice of laughter could be heard everyone looked around "where is that voice coming from?" asked Kanato i kept gripping my chest in pain until a male figure wearing a cloak with long white spiky hair with piercing cold blue eyes were staring not only at the Sakamaki brother's but at me and the brothers who stood in front of me protecting me "hmph do you think you can stop me fools!" a powerful energy came out of his body knocking everyone into the wall but some how my Amulet made a barrier around me protecting me then it was gone, i was surprised and speechless by this. 

As the barrier went away the male figure smirked and approached me "so i see that pathetic girl has protected you from me?" he said i looked at him confused wondering what he meant i tried to get up but i just couldn't it felt like my whole body was frozen and it went numb for some reason, all of a sudden he was in front of me then he leand down grabbing me by the throat and as he got up his grip around my throat tightened grabbing his wrist i tried to move his hand out of the way but couldn't, "LET HER GO RIGHT NOW!!! yelled Zakura" but the male figure laughed and threw me into the wall then shadows appeared and pinned me to the wall. I became frightened and try to struggle my way out but it was useless until the male figure approached me once again but this time he stopped in front of me and touched my face "the same eyes like your mother and the same colour hair as your fathers also your sister" he said "what do you mean i don't understand what you mean" i replied but all he did was grin and laugh but as he saw my amulet he reached for it but it glowed brightly the shadows vanish and the whole room lights up brightly the figure jumped back and hissed "what is going off?" i said then light surrounded my body and it glowed brightly until i felt different as my clothes changed into a long Victorian dress and my hair way longer "You shall not hurt the ones i love and this girl" said the voice coming out of my mouth it felt like it was me but it was someone else having control over my body "or you do what you little wretching girl!" said the Male as he fired a couple of dark orbs at me "you never learn your lesson do you uncle" this voice said that came out of my mouth all the figure did was laugh and fired a dark beam towards me then all of a sudden i shot a light beam towards his dark one and both of them clashed making a explosion and smoke once the smoke cleared the male figure was no where to be seen i gripped my fists then all of a sudden i fainted Kaji ran over and caught me before i hit the ground and held me close as my body stopped glowing so did the light and finally the amulet the Sakamaki brother's were quiet but as for Kaji and the others were very quiet wondering how did they uncle come back. 

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