Chapter 1 ~ Ruka Shireko Academy

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As soon the sun started to come up over the Horizon slowly on Monday Morning it, the rays of the sun softly shone through my window into my room then into my eyes i groaned and turned to on my other side until there was a knock on the door slowly the door handle turned and it opened up inside came a woman she had long brown hair and green hazel eyes also she was wearing her work suit she smiled at me then walked over to me and began to shake me softly. As she shook me i turned to my other side, opening my eyes i saw the woman who was my mother smiling at me "good morning dear" she said in a soft voice to me i smiled back then sat up yawning then stretching "Good morning Mother" i replied back then hugged her tightly she hugged me back tightly then kissed the top of my head i giggled "breakfast is ready sweety also me and your father are gonna be late home from work okay?" she said i sighed a little because i knew they were always busy then i nodded giving one last hug she made her way out closing the door i remained in my bed looking out of the window for a bit until the door squeaked open i looked at the door a little meow was herd i looked down and noticed my kitten Snowy she had a beautiful pure white fur also sappire blue eyes slowly i picked her up then placed her on my bed she purred happily as my hand slowly started to stroke her fur i giggled then kissed her head from there i got out of bed grabbing my uniform i walked to the bathroom once entering i closed the door and turned on the shower as i was waiting for it to get warm i looked out of the bathroom window thinking then paying attention to the water i noticed it started to get warm so slowly i began to get undress once finishing undressing i got into the shower and pulled the shower curtain across, once i finished from the shower then got into my uniform i walked into my room walking over to my desk and i sat down on my chair and began to dry my hair that was already plugged in along with straighters once finishing drying my hair and using my straighter to straight my hair looking at the flower clip that my mother gave me i picked it up then putted it in my hair Snowy looked at me and smiled cutely i looked at her then giggled then faced the mirrior putting my make up on but once i saw the amulet i stopped then touched it i sighed wishing why did i have this and for what reason that is the one thing i didnt understand about shaking my head i got up walking over to nice brown leather shoes i put them on then picked up my bag i called Snowy's name she got up and jumped down then opening the door both of us walked out of my room and down the hall then finally downstairs from there into the kitchen. 

Once i was in the kitchen sitting down near the table eating i looked at my both parents who were eating and working at the same my father looked at his watch noticing that it was time for him to go to work my mother looked at him as he stood up he smiled and kissed her softly on her lips then he walked over to me then kissed the top of my head i smiled then went back to eat. After my father was gone a few minutes later my mother got up gathering her files and closing her laptop then picking it up she kissed me on the head i felt the kiss but ignored it because i knew that i was gonna be alone once again i sighed and finished eating Snowy walked over and rubbed against my leg knowing that i was sad i picked her up then placed her down on the table and played with her for a bit until i had to go i got up then kissed Snowy's head and walked out of the kitchen from there i walked to the front door wearing my Ruka Shireko Academy uniform i walked to the front door grabbing the handle i turned it then opened the door slowly i walked out closing it and locking it then getting into the limo shutting the door as the driver started the limo as it slowly drove down the drive way and out of the gate turning left then heading down the road. As the limo was headng to the academy i looked out of the limo window as we drived by a big Mansion i wondered why were the gates close and who could be living there at that point i didn't know but then i looked forward as i could see the Academy as the limo stopped at the gates i got out grabbing my bag closing the Limo's door it drove off i sighed once again then turned facing the front i then looked up at the academy gripping my Amulet i began to walk through the gates until i heard my name calling me i stopped and turned around to see my friend Amy who had the same uniform as me also she had long brown hair and brown blue eyes also with some braids in it i smiled and waved to her as she caught up to me she stopped then panted "good job you got here" i said with a smile she looked at me then nodded "how was your weekend anyways" she said as we both began to walk to our class "It was alright" i replied to her she smiled and giggled "That is great Scarlet" she said then grabbing my hand she started to run while dragging me Amy was a energentic happy girl but she was still hurting due to her past i felt sorry for her and maybe one day i could help her with her problem, as we reached our class both of us entered and took our usual seats as mine was always near the window as the bell rang the lecture starting to teach as everyone in class started to work while i looked out of the window looking towards the mansion wondering who lives there and who owns it.

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