The new boyfriend

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I had forget to mention that within the past two weeks, one including the week where Jo tugged at my nervousness and we bunked that she had dumped and threw George right out the window after somebody, I'm unsure of who, told her Georges secret against her.

It makes me feel bad for not telling her myself straight away but I know she's clever and that he had no chance with shoving his puny pole inside her anyway. She's not a slag and she doesn't take relationships to that level that quick.

If she were to actually have sex with anybody, (my dreams she doesn't considering I don't have a penis) it wouldn't be with a pudgy, uncaring loser user. Oh, I'm talking about George that absolute tw*t.

Like I say, if I had myself a girl like that, and when I mean a girl like that I purely just mean Jo, since there isn't a girl like her, I'd make her comfortable in every which way I could and treat her like an utter princess.

Jo may have realised the truth about George but she hasn't gone far in her charades with users. She is now dating an extremely lanky, acne covered c*nt called Louis who, yes, is exactly like George.

I have yet to prove that too her but knowing him from my lunches with Harper he's maybe worse. "All I want is a hand job and blowjob really, from any girl I don't care." What a romantic...

Little does this prick know I'm soon going to bring the gay out of Jo I wish was there so I could show her how a beautiful girl like her should be treated.

If Louis places a foot out of line again I will not hesitate to hurt him more than it emotionally hurts me knowing the only girl I'm in awe for is straight.

Every lunch recently I have been eavesdropping into all conversations he's had with Harper and any guy he associates with just to make sure she's not brought up in any undermining way at all.

I feel like an undercover Ninja Warrior Bodyguard for Jo all over again.

As me and Harper were chatting away about the latest on Geordie Shore which we are both guilty for enjoying I notice Max and Jo walk by, my eyes drawn instantly because hey, don't kill love, am I right?

I am though, filled with a pang of jealously towards Max. I've known him for years and we have been friends for years but there's something about the way he moves himself closer to Jo when they sit together or walk together so they're just touching and his undertone flirtatious comments Jo doesn't appear to hear.

If Louis notices too, (which I doubt he does, him with that attention span of a goldfish and how he doesn't care as long as they're not making out) he don't show it or show any interest.

"There's her lads I'm off," he smirks as if he's won the worlds grand prize. He has but that's besides the point. As Louis walks up behind her leaving Harper and the guys that I don't like to include myself into, he swung one arm back and slapped his palm against her a*s.

Out of everything I've seen this made my blood boil and I am honestly tempted to throw my fist at his face repeatedly until he sees sense she's a GIRL a PERSON who isn't just there for her ASS and body.

He's a c*nt and i would happily and gladly see him die. Literally die. Urgh.

All lunch my eyes wander to him who refuses to left her be her own person. He's glued to her back like a clingy girlfriend and she don't even get to see nor speak to anybody.

The only fortunate thing about the rest of today is that after lunch I get to spend the next hour with her in production. Yes yes yes.

And of course, me being the amazing friend I am, I will totally not try and persuade her to break up with him too. I secretly keep showing her famous girls on the computers in the production room that I find undeniably attractive and try and see a hint of gay across her face too.

So far only one girl she agrees with, she also said she would "obviously turn gay for" who is the one and only Demi Lovato but duh, everybody would agree have you seen her?

I mean come on, even Harper said she would turn gay for her but I suppose all straight girls have that one acception. Same as guys do possibly too. I know Dillon has a huge crush on Harrison Ford but he is a little off the rocker sometimes anyway so...

When the boring 'banter' over here gets so out of my zone, say, Ethan is on about how much weed Harvey The DoucheBag would like to buy my mind does this amazing thing. I zoom the f*ck out off it all and think of her.

Her abnormally blue eyes I continue to get lost in and stare at because that's where I know she's most vulnerable, her gorgeous open curved smile that is like the start of something, since whenever I see that smile I just instantly smile too. The way she carries herself when there isn't a too tall and too ugly Sk*nk clingy onto her back.

She's so free and full of movement when its just us, like maybe I bring it out of her but I know that's not true, it's because she feels herself with me as she has explained many of times through text and that makes me feel like I maybe getting somewhere.

The bell rings and I catch that butterfly feeling I get whenever I know I'm about to see her. I walk slowly beside Harper, waiting for Jo to catch up and walk on my other side so we can then slow down and walk together, just us, to production.

Maybe bunk again if I have the balls but I doubt I do for that sh*t all over again.

I reach the concreted outside of our school gym and finally allow myself to turn around since she's usually caught up to me by now and then I see the source as why she hasn't.

Her palm tree of a boyfriend kept attacking her a*s with his hand almost every 5 seconds, slowing her down, and spinning her to face him so  he could kiss her, probably adding in a big of his grim tongue to prove to the guys who walked passed a b*tchsquealer like him could bet any action, let alone action with a beautiful girl.

I dig my fingernails in the palm of my hands creating half indented moons there. And focus on my breathing and not how I am going to murder him in a million gruesome different ways.

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