The beautiful Beyoncé crawl

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It's been a week into the six weeks and the only contact within my texts is of course, the one and only, Jo. Our messages have been back and fourth between each other like Andy Murray and some other opponent during a tennis match. Quick I know. Neither of us leave until we need to charge our phones, and even then its only for 30 minutes or so, we are so glued.

I want to be with her, I really do. I know how she feels about me too and it makes me melt a little bit inside every time she says she likes me, though we haven't got to the "I love you" stage yet.

I can tell she cares and it shows in the little things she does without realising. Spamming me at 8am in the morning with our favourite movies quotes, the way she will triple text me if I don't reply within one minute because she is scared I'm ignoring her, the way when I see her (every single day this week) she looks to the ground all shyly before she let's the real crazy Jo out, the Jo I'm in love with.

Curtis is finally fully aware that me and Jo are like, a thing, which he just shrugged too. I bet and hope on the inside he's crying. Today, it's me, Jo, Dillon and Max all sat over multi court with Cameron and his mates, with Curtis pretending he's the best striker in football, which he clearly is not.

Whether this is to try and impress Jo or his current girlfriend - some blond bimbo who keeps swooning over him every time the flat ball hits the metal - I will never know. The thing that gives it away is the fact that every single goal he gets he looks at Jo and not the girl whose name I've already forgotten.

Max, as usual is flirting with Darcy and Cam, because the boy is a maleamiser (not womaniser) making all these crappy jokes too fast one after another for me to latch onto each punch line and laugh myself. Dillon is sat on the blue smooth pole created as a bench arm rest, next to Jo, too close for my liking but I keep quiet. Then, on the bench is me and Jo, her to my left, our legs touching, her body half an inch away from mine.

She's leaning forward so her back isn't touching the back of the metal and my hand rests behind, where if she was to lean back, her butt would be sat on it. Not complaining, I'm sure m neither would she. I hope.

Dillon seems to be engaging in conversation with Max and his new found boyfriends and me and Jo are hot in topic about whether or not we should stick up for the little girl also known by the name Teagan.

"I really think we should stick up for her," I say, looking across the court and seeing a group of girls, rough from the age of 10 to 15 laugh and make mean comments about her. Sure, she seems to west the same clothes everyday with the quite from Jo that "she also has her ass crack out" too. I couldn't guess her age, some days she looks like an uncared for little girl trying to act like she owns the place, other days she has push chairs for her pretend babies outside her house and talks in a baby voice.

"Yeah, but, she is asking for it. After all she started the comments first." Jo reasons, and she's right. Once we got here, as soon as Teagan saw the girls she started a curse of incoherent words no girl her age, judging by looks, should know. When the girls reached the court, Curtis' girlfriend included they started back. I'm aware Teagan isn't a very nice girl but her little brother, Harry is so damn cute she almost makes me want to stick up for her. Almost.

Don't get me wrong, I hate hate hate seeing kids get bullied but if you start something then don't expect to not get anything back. Besides, she seems unfazed anyway, trying to climb on top of a green metal thing next to the other bench opposite us. If this were to turn physical I will get involved.

"What do you reckon she will accomplish, when she finally climbs on top of that thing?" I ask, turning my head towards Jo, my mouth inches from her cheek that I could easily kiss. "I'm not sure," she turns to me and adds, "will she even fit on top?"

I laugh, feeling bad but know she's right. It was skinny and not wide but in overall length it was longer but that doesn't mean to say she could do anything but hope half her body could fit sideways.

She smiles, teeth showing; one of her proper smiles and I smile back contagiously. Now, it could be so easy to kiss her but before I could so much as try to act my thoughts she turns back to Teagan but subtly shuffles closer to me. Our whole sides are touching now, and her back is leaning a bit to weight on my arm like she's leaning back on it. I realise she's practically cuddling me side on and my stomach flips, igniting the butterflies in my stomach I thought were gone for good.

She's nearly at the top, Teagan. Only one leg to go and bam she's there. Beside me Jo starts to cheer and whoop at the girls oncoming achievement and I laugh again at how silly this girl, my girl, is before joining in. Its not long before we get funny faces thrown our way and anode comments and finally, Teagan reaches the top. Like reaching the mount Everest, she beers to herself in her lost breath.

God the workouts she must do everyday to reach that height...

Jo pretends to wipe away a fake tear, "I'm so proud of her." Her voice cracks on purpose and I sheepishly play along. "So happy for my little girl, she's grown up so fast."

Max's obnoxious laugh fills my ears and I look up at him and notice Dillon is no longer sitting on the side of the bench he's beside Cameron cracking jokes. They've all moved further away now, nearer the park than the court but it leaves me alone with Jo and the continuous banging of the football against the metal goal.

I look back over at Teagan and nearly choke, Jo follows suit. She's on all fours, on the green box still but now crawling, bobbing her body up and down to imaginary music. It looks like - "is she doing the Beyonce crawl?" Jo blurts, disturbed but her eyes not leaving in the only reason I can class as shock.

The small child's stomach has popped out from the bottom of her shirt, spilling over her stained, fading oink leggings which were practically around her ankles by now, basically her knickers all on show.

"This is one of the most disturbing things I've seen in my life and I've seen many," I say, moving closer to Jo for pretend comfort. "I'm scarred for life," she murmurs, only for me to hear, as a joke of course.

"We need to go to church, be forgives for this sin and have some holy water." I carry on, still watching the girl Bob her body up and down and try and act sexy. "Dillon, you're girlfriends dancing!" Jo shouts at him. I laugh and say to her, "nah, that's your girlfriend."

She turns to me once again still smiling. "No she's not. Mine will be you. Soon." For the rest of the day I'm in pure bliss, forgetting about all my current problems and just focusing on this day, with her.

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